
Feb 03, 2011 02:42

I got GIMP, and made the icons I could not find.

1 because, come on, who but me is going to make that, and 2 because I was looking for a good Sharon icon, and then realized why I was looking for one. 3 is a slightly nicer version of an older icon I did in AppleWorks. 4 is just me messing around with colors and flare.

I may just email professor S and beg him to be a reference for me. I feel guilty because he's busy and has a new family and everything, but I'm sick of not being able to complete job applications because I don't have any fucking references. All the ones I could have are people who haven't heard from me in years and I don't feel comfortable emailing and going "Hi, would you mind representatives from various crappy retail chains calling you up at weird hours wanting information about me?" Or I may try sending professor M an appropriately pitiful email. He hasn't seen me since I was eighteen, but he remembered me from then (and I did used to ace his tests).

The thing is I know I can do these jobs if I got them. I'm too smart for these damn jobs (well, if I may sound like the most conceited person ever). I just, you know, can't get by the application process because I don't have a fucking high school diploma or any references.

job?, listening to:girlyman, icons, mood:other

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