Jan 26, 2011 23:42
I am already predicting my religion class is going to be the death of me. The main components of the course are: two-hour lecture, 50+ pages of reading a week, four papers (plus drafts), a final, and mandatory participation on the class forum. But then our all-wise TA has decided to add discussion topics on articles that were not in the class reading. I looked at the first, and it took me fifteen page-downs to get to the end of it. Furthermore, thus far there has been a lot of theory, which I am not good at. I was expecting to discuss why the Indian revival and western expansion of Buddhism have both been of the Theravada school, for example. Given, this is only the first week - lecture tomorrow - and I hear that some classes front-load the theory so that you can proceed to the specifics. Still, it has been thusfar daunting.
Also, in the introduction post on the class forum everyone was giving a detailed history of their personal beliefs and influences thereon. And I didn't really want to go in and go "Hi guys! I tried to kill myself and then I started going to church!" so I mostly stuck to going "blah blah anthropological perspective." The first paper has a section where you're supposed to detail your spiritual beliefs/practices/development, and I'm not sure how candid I want to be on that, but here's where I'm not going to be candid: the fucking forum on the first week of class.
aw it's really pissed off now!,
listening to:1776,