This icon is called "Castiel doesn't know how he feels about that" for a reason

Oct 16, 2010 01:25

I lost my stupid job. Which... I guess talking people out of their money is a thing that it's okay to be bad at? But at the same time, $10/hr was nothing to sneeze at, and it's especially frustrating because I have a feeling I was too bad at being ~empathetic~, which is never really going to happen, whatever stripe of weird I am. (I cannot say "I feel your pain," I am not Bill Clinton). Don't really want to talk about it. Don't know what to tell my parents. Don't quite know what I'll do now.

BUT ocelotofdoom and sedvictacatoni bought me crepes, and we watched The End of Time, which.... dear god, SO MUCH CRACK. And the good, high-quality, 100% pure kind, none of this adultered-with-SRSBSNS stuff! I think the quality was upped by the Large Ham (seriously, the only main character not a large ham was Wilfred), the special effects, John Simm being totally fucking nuts, the fetish fuel, and the ho yay. DEAR GOD THE HO YAY. Most of the time when I see ho yay I go "Tee hee, that could be sexybusiness!" This time I was going "I do not see how this is NOT sexybusiness." (sedvictacatoni, it has its own page). I was sort of pissed off about Martha/Mickey because, while I am delighted they are kicking ass together, what about Jake and the pediatrician fellow to whom Martha was engaged? I spot a humongous case of pair the spares! Also... the Doctor set Jack Harkness and Russel Tovey's character up. I am not sure what to do about this other than boggle.

fandom, mood:discontent, listening to:warp 11, life

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