I'm wide awake, I'm wide awake, I'm not sleeping

Sep 11, 2010 21:38

Apparently one of my co-workers has an arch-rival in my poetry class. Good to know!

I'm all jittery and miserable. Part of me just wants to take melatonin and sleep until tomorrow morning, but that's no way to deal with things, and I sleep too much (except when I don't, apparently). Of course, I'm all anxious about what to wear tomorrow because I will Talk To People OMG.

At this point I just feel that anything I do is a break on a long slide downwards. It's two weeks in. How am I ever going to manage this?

I considered making a post for World Suicide Prevention Day, but ended up deciding that I need to figure out how I feel about more stuff before I go talking about it in public. Stay tuned for Thinky Thoughts about un-disabling characters (I want to watch the rest of Sherlock before ultimately passing judgment), and possibly sexuality, though.

brainmeats, mood:thirsty, me, listening to:dj tripp

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