Dec 31, 2009 23:55
I'm so glad I got this window open before midnight! Though it will doubtless be done after the New Year, I wanted to post on the 31st.
Every year brings unexpected things that knock us down, that we can't foresee or prepare for, but I can't remember a year as long or as hard as this one has been. Sometimes, when I reflect on 2009, it seems like a whole year of deterioration and desperation, and I want to forget segments of it wholesale.
But it wasn't nearly all that. I know it sounds cliché, but this has been the kind of year when you learn who your friends really are. And I never imagined I would have so many, or so staunch. It amazes me how many people have stayed by me through the year, how many people have reached out to me despite the mess I've been, and the ones I've reformed bonds with in the midst of everything. If I name names, it would sound as long and gushing and harried as an Oscar acceptance speech, and it would still be incomplete. All I want to say is that you all astound me. You floor me with your compassion and love and loyalty and generosity. I have gotten through some damn dark times with you, in the figurative sense, in the literal sense, and I owe you all so much. Things are going to get better - so I hope and strive and believe. I know I've been distant and self-absorbed most of this year, but I want to get to know you better, in better times. And just as you've gone through the bad with me, we are going to go through the good together.
Here's to 2010, to something better, and to all of us.
And those who chose the twisted road, prefer it to the straight
Let joy beat out old misery as love will conquer hate.
--Richard Thompson
listening to:howard shore,