He's the biggest thing to come out of this country since sliced Beatles.

Nov 24, 2009 02:47

Aforesaid friend's new interest in Velvet Goldmine lead me to re-watch the film, which lead me to the fandom, which lead me to the following observations:

Firstly, let us have no girl hatin', fandom. It's quite tiresome, especially since you're NINETY-EIGHT PERCENT GIRLS.

Secondly, I can't remember thinking anything about the characters the first time around (except that, as per always, I wanted to hug the sexually confused teenage protagonist). This time, I came out thinking that Brian should take a long walk off a short pier, and being very, very interested in Curt - mostly because he's genuinely damaged (sexual abuse! institutional abuse! drug abuse!), and may not be much better by the end of the film (it depends on how you interpret some things). Whereas Brian just fucks things up for himself and everyone around him.

I was disappointed at how little they play up the magical/mystical angle, and how little it's covered in fandom, SPOILERSespecially because of the end. Arthur has the pin now, it follows that he's going to move from journalism to stardom. Either that or win about eight very sparkly Pulitzers.END SPOILERS

Speaking of underutilized things, fandom, and characters I like, I am deeply saddened that I cannot find any "Jack Fairy and Curt Wild in Berlin" stories, because I would let the blood of my nonexistent firstborn to get them. Because, obviously, some very important things happened then, but no. It got skipped in favor of Brian's ennui. *eyeroll*

Lastly, I was tempted earlier tonight to leave someone a nasty review. Not because they wrote badly or trashed my favorite character, but because they didn't realize that they had Arthur doing something that would violate any codes of journalistic ethics.
As it was, I merely loled at myself and hit the back button.

For anyone who hasn't the foggiest what I'm on about, it's a film. I offer you a picspam, because flawed as it may be, one cannot argue that it is not a very, very pretty film.

fandom, mood:awake, thinky thoughts

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