Callback Update

Dec 07, 2003 22:31

So today were my West Side Story Callbacks.

At 12:30 I went for the dance callback. There were two groups of about 45 people. The first group was at 12:30, the second was at 1:30. We learned a combination (the steps weren't techincally hard, it was just very fast and we learned it very quickly), then we were called in in groups of 8 - 4 girls and 4 guys. We did the dance twice and then we were sent back outside. There was a shortage of guys, so we all went in twice. Afterwards they announced callbacks which were held tonight. I got called back for a Jet.

Brittany, Michael and I went to Togo's and ate and then went back to OCHSA and hung out in the parking lot. I went home to shower and change and what not.

The Jet call back was at 7 and there were about 13 guys there for 7 Jet spots. We learned part of The Jet Song and sang it one at a time. Then we all read. I read for the parts of Action and A-Rab which are the two roles I want. After we read we sang again and then they had some of us read again. I read for A-Rab again.

That's basically it. Tim told us the call back process is going to take two weeks, so we won't know the cast until the friday before winter break! Crazy! I felt really good about my callbacks (not so much the dance but I felt really good about the reading and singing) so we will see how things go!

I have been practicing for the Uribi mega-monolologue-madness thing tomorrow in class! Yikes! I hope I do well!
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