I have a splitting headache, probably from either something I ate or from not drinking enough water the last couple of days. Not sure which.
I went into work today feeling pretty decent and my first job was to test the forty or so pairs of headphones with the really thick plugs that people used to use in the 80s and 90s. Some teacher wants them for her room because they have those old multi-jack sets you can use to plug up to eight headphones into and lots of kids can listen to the same thing. So I had to test the headphones and the multi-sets and found that almost half the headphones didn't work and that only two of the kits worked reliably and the oldest one, which had the volume knobs and such, worked but was really really soft and if you increased the volume on one knob then the others would get quieter because it was drawing all of its power from the audio jack coming out of my phone and also wasn't 100% reliable on stereo sound as I couldn't get the singing in Back in Black which was my testing music.
Once I was done with that I shelved books for most of the rest of the day, sorted out and cleaned some shelves and did the usual puttering around I do when I'm working. Finding something which needs doing and then doing it.
After work I came home and cooked Chicken Tacos for my brother and I for dinner. Pretty nice and then I watched the season finale of iZombie which was honestly brilliant followed by the second episode of UnREAL which was bleakly funny. When that was done I watched the Doctor Who episode Turn Left which I'd forgotten was so grim, seriously grim. The Donna Noble saga on Doctor Who might be the best season of the revamped show made so far, I can't really think of a single bad episode involving her. Second best season would be Amy Pond's first season which was also one without much fault(Victory of the Daleks left a bit of a sour taste and the Beast Below was slightly unpolished but workable). I love that the ABC are repeating them all again in order. Because it means that next week will be all the 2009 specials one after the other, from The Next Doctor to The End of Time Part 2 on Friday. So five nights in a row of great movie-length episodes of Doctor Who. Should be a blast.
I took some panadol a few hours ago and seem to be getting over the pain a little bit but it's coming and going and I'm really not keen on staying up if I can help it.
Now I'm going to bed because my brain hurts.
YouTube Clip of the day.
This song is loud but it cheers me up 100% of the time.
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