My Day.
I've had my email website(gmail) open for the last twenty-seven hours now. Because I'm waiting for the email telling me if I've passed or failed. I'm pretty sure I've passed, but until I get the word I'm going to hold back on celebrating.
Last night after I posted my entry my grandfathers dog came into the room and started to sniff around. Oh, by the way, on Thursday when I was working on my assignment my grandfather had what they thought was a stroke(was a viral infection, no big deal) and went to hospital so my mum took his dog with her to our house to look after. The things I miss out on.
The dog is a spoiled dog but she's an okay pet, doesn't bark and seems to know what to do with herself when she isn't sleeping. So she came into my room and started to sleep on my floor on top of some old clothes I had which meant I had to go to the hall cupboard and get a blanket for her to sleep on because I didn't want her stinking up my clothes. This meant I had to sleep with the door open as well because she might have wanted to get up during the night and wander around. She didn't and ended up sleeping in my room all night and well into the morning. Which scared my mother because she couldn't find the dog when she got up herself at about 7am.
I got up myself at about 11am because I'm finally done with study and don't have to even pretend to wake up on time until I go out and get a job. I was thinking of seeing Man of Steel today but my brother has his birthday today and I wasn't sure when we were meant to be celebrating it so I didn't go. I spent pretty much the entire day just kind of unwinding from the last week of writing and reflecting and re-writing and formatting text over and over again.
I had some stomach pains and a few weird aches from sitting down and typing for so long, I haven't felt like this since I graduated back in 2006, back then it took about a month to get my result back and it was incredibly stressful while I waited and waited and waited for the results. Mostly because I only needed to get 2 out of 50 to pass the subject and I knew I'd passed easily but I still had to wait for confirmation. Which was horrible.
I got an email from my course supervisor, apparently the QUT ePortfolio program doesn't automatically send a notification email to the person you've "released" it to, so she was a bit angry with me because she thought I was ducking out of handing in my work for another day. I sent her an apology email and she said she will go over it tomorrow and let me know as soon as possible. If I'd got it to her yesterday I'd know now if I was going to graduate or not.
So now I've got a 24 hour waiting period for my results. Lots of stress and I think I've got an infected gum again,
which happened two years ago and required surgery in the end because I had to get my wisdom teeth out. This time I'm not so bad, I can actually close and open my jaw so I'm taking some antibiotics right now to see if I can't clear up the problem and if that works I'll probably have to think about getting my lower wisdom teeth pulled as well. Which would suck because the upper ones were a pain to get done so the lower ones will almost certainly hurt as well.
My brother's birthday dinner was nice, he's 34 this year and we had a really nice leg of roast beef with my parents, some of my brothers carers and myself. I had to rush out before the dinner to get some gravy mix because we'd run out of the stuff. I had to drive my mums car because she'd parked my car into the driveway for some reason that I don't care to worry about right now.
All in all a good day. I'm still slightly stressed but its going away now. Tomorrow is the last day of June and I'll be done with BlogJune for another year. I'm going to go and finish my short story after I play soccer tomorrow. I'm planning on driving to my brothers house with my bike and then cycling to the field because it isn't that far and it is mostly flat from what I can recall of the area. I'm nearly done with BlogJune for another year, this time around I've managed to post 70,022 words so far. Which... wow. That is crazy. Like seriously crazy. I wrote about 15,000 words for my portfolio(with say 5000 words of overlap) so I've written about 80,000 words in a month this year. With some fiddling in Word that adds up to about 116 pages(although it is probably less pages because I didn't format it all and there are some crazy line breaks in the big wall of text that is my month).
I think I could actually be an actual proper writer if I can pull this type of madness off.
Tomorrow I'm going to write up the end of that short story, then I'm going to write a list of the things I want to try and get done before I do this again next year. Most years my last entry is a reflection on what I've done in the month itself, but this time I'm going to try to do that AND set myself some goals. Because when I come back next year for BlogJune 2k14 I want to be able to look at my last entry and go: Oh yeah, I did a bunch of things.
Looking forward to it.
YouTube Clip of the Day.
Even though he's dead Freddy can still rock a crowd.Someone once said that only Freddy Mercury could walk up to his band and say: "Here's three random unrelated songs... lets staple them together and see what happens."