Short Story Saturday.

Jun 16, 2012 20:50

This Story has not been marked by my teacher yet. He said it would take two more weeks till they release our marks. Which pisses me off a bit because its always my electives that drag out the marks for me. Also this reads easier if you don't have a widescreen, I've no idea how to fix it in Livejournal sadly.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Space Year.

The space parliament was meeting in the Galactic Capital planet Klin. The Likba ambassador had called the session of the war committee and had set their fleets on high alert only the day before.

The gavel banged against the granite desk of the speaker of the house, silence fell, aside from the laboured breathing of the Metronomicas who required sound to pump their blood around their bodies. The Ambassador of the Likba stood up and addressed the committee, his multiple mouths forming one word at a time.

“My Brothers! My Brothers! Our great and glorious civilisation stands threatened this space-day! The greatest threat of all time stands poised to destroy us if we do not act now. The Human race…” said with a sneer that even the translator tubes managed to pick up. “… has begun to ready itself for war.”
The President , a Minmet, called for silence as the murmuring of the crowd grew in volume to the point that even the Metronomicas were starting to look faint.
“I will speak to the Ambassador in private before we continue this discussion.” His eyes glowed a dark red, the colour of truth in his people. “And then we shall return.”


A presidential chamber will always be impressive, when the President commands and rules over ten million worlds it will dwarf the concept of impressive like a Red Dwarf to a grain of sand. The Ambassador stood to attention while the President found a way to sit upon his ever moving space-throne. The atmosphere in the room changed slightly to help him breathe the alien air.

“I’ll cut to the point. Where is your proof?”

“My lord we’ve been monitoring the humans for several space-years now and as you know they are insane. But their recent actions have shown us that…”

“Wait, I’m going to interrupt you here. You proclaim that they’re insane so understanding your findings is by definition impossible. I think that in order to understand humans we need some experts in their behaviour here, to consult.”

“Sir, no-one can understand their behaviour. Humans are the definition of insane. They kill each other over interpretations of laws, forgive each other and never fight again without any problems and after that they’ll set off a Supernova weapon on Bratoll-X over a misworded trade agreement.”

“Humans understand humans. They’re quite good at it. They even made a science of it.”

“Sir, humans are banned from stepping foot on the Galactic capital world. You know this.”

“I have to tell you something Ambassador, in strictest confidence, I have a human prisoner, a former General of theirs. Captured when his escape vessel crash landed during the wedding of the 5% Solution and his bride Calitari.”

“That was what happened that day? I had often wondered about that.”

“His insights have proven advantageous to me over the last few space-years.” Red lights shone from his eyes as he pressed a large button with his tentacle.

The shabby bearded man the guard robots shoved through the door tried to hold himself with some dignity and decorum but doubled over as the atmosphere hit him. The rooms computer-box began to adjust the air for him and he managed to bring himself to attention again. A chair designed for the Liaps was bought up from a trapdoor behind him. It was a close approximation to the human toilet seat often seen in Vid-dramas.

“You may talk freely in front of him Ambassador. He is a prisoner here, he has no communication with the outside world.”

The Ambassador smiled with two of his mouths and one of his ears at the human. He’d never seen one up close before.

“Very well. Last Space-month we noticed that human communication between their colonies and homeworld of Eaaarth spiked dramatically. Then in the last two space-weeks we’ve found that their freighters and transport ships have been moving to the borders between our territories and theirs. Using our space-radar we’ve noticed significant movement near their borders of all the other major territories.”

“And you believe that this is a hostile action?”



“The communication spike, fleet movement and an increase in commerce. We’ve noticed that prior to hostilities humans always buy things, part of their cultural insanity no doubt.”

“They do?”

“In the three wars they’ve had in the twenty space-years since they discovered the Wolven drive technology there was always a spike, as though they were trying to buy themselves into peace.”

The Presidents eyes glowed green as he thought about this. “General Eremy! What do you have to say about this?”

The General looked to his wrist at the chronolical timepiece strapped to it. “My President, …” The translator tube attached to his chair turned his heathen English into the language of the galaxy, Spaceglish. “… I’m not a General, my name is Jeremy I’m an engineer and your stupid machine can’t translate my name or that word properly.”

“You keep saying that General. My machine can’t possibly make mistakes it was built by a Tuqin who cannot make mistakes.”

“The same Tuqins who build the Supernova Sliderule?”

“The very same.”

“The Supernova Sliderule that destroyed Bratoll-X?”

“No, it was you humans who did that. It was a horrible crime that had you banned for all time from the Galactic parliament and the Space-Olympics.”

“Because Tuqins never make mistakes.”

“It’s impossible for them to make mistakes. Therefore logic dictates that Humans must have destroyed the sun with a weapon of unknown power which they for some reason have never used again.”

“We did this at exactly the same time the Tuqins were working on their Sliderule, in the same system?”

“Yes, a terrible shame the Sliderule was destroyed, it would have prevented the disaster at according to the Tuqin. Thankfully the new one is only months away from completion.”

“I was there you know, at Bratoll-X. I’ve been trying to tell you for years now that the Tuqins messed up and destroyed the...”

“Stop stalling General. Explain the actions of your people before we are forced to send our space-fleet to defend ourselves pre-emptively!”

The General looked over at the two aliens, resignation and rage boiled beneath the surface resulting in dark sarcasm, a very human concept. “Sir. I must tell you that your associate here, the right honourable Ambassador, is mistaken. There is no great war coming, no sir…” He judged the two aliens silently. “The truth sir is that tomorrow is Christmas.”

“Christmas? What is Christmas?”

“Why Christmas sir is the most important day of the year for humans.”


“Like a space-year but only on Earth.”

“Very well. Go on.”

“It started as a holy day for one faith but is now seen by all people as a day in which we celebrate our love for each other and the connections between different cultures and creeds. People are buying presents, gifts and toys for the people they love and food and clothing for strangers who need help at this time of year. Those ships are not warships massing on your borders, they are cargo ships bringing supplies, goodwill and cheer to the poorer worlds on the outskirts of human space. They’re taking family members out to visit their loved ones who they’ve not seen in so very long. Our people are in the process of remembering where we came from and looking forward to where we’re going.”

“You are telling me that this day is so important to your kind that you would spend a wars worth of space-fuel to simply deliver gifts and goodwill?”

“Sir, it isn’t the day that is important, it is the love of our brothers, the love of our sisters, of family and friends. We lay down our arms and embrace the greater community of life everywhere. In one of our greatest terrestrial war, where life itself was threatened once, both sides lay down their guns and mortars at Christmas, walked across the battlefields and embraced their enemies and played a game of soccer where only the day before they’d watched each other dying.”

“A game?” The Ambassador looked as horrified as he could on his left side and sullen on his right. “You admit to violence on this sacred day of yours?”

“On Earth we don’t sacrifice the losers of sporting events and eat their children, it’s considered taboo.”

The Ambassador spat on the ground out of most of his mouths in disgust. “I told you Mr President that they were insane! How can you listen to these rants and not be convinced?”

The Space-President’s eyes glowed green then blue, he had made his decision. “General Jeremy, this celebration tradition brings joy to my many hearts and the liver I use for emotions. It is a day of peace and love. My own family-planet is dear to me and I’ve not talked to them in so many Space-Months. We the galactic community have often believe your species insane, especially due to your concept of preserving your food before consumption, but in this insanity I see something beautiful.”

“My President, sir, we can’t trust him.”

“Silence Ambassador. I’m the President here.” His eye’s glowed yellow, a sign in his people of being angry or hungry, this overlap being the number one reason that restaurants don’t exist much outside of human territories. “Open the Space-Radio circuits! I wish to speak to all the galactic races and tribes.”

The computer-box summoned the guard-robots at his request and they dragged into the room the heavy radio-circuits attached to a simple microphone stand. “My brothers in space. This is the Galactic President talking to you now. I speak to you this space-day to introduce a new tradition, a new idea.” His eyes went purple as pride and joy took over his emotions. “It is a day called Christmas day. A day in which the Human race of all species embraces one another in community and peace. A day of love, for family(or local equivalent) and friends(or local equivalent). Every year on Earth date… wait, what is the Earth date for today General Eremy?”

“July 17th Mr President. Today is Earth date July 17th, Christmas day.”

“Earth date July 17th! On this day every ‘year’ we lay down arms and embrace our differences. Hold our loved once close and reach out to help those that we don’t know but who are our brothers and sisters in life. I declare this today and commend the human race for this glorious tradition that will no doubt continue on for millennia to come. Good day to you and ‘Good Christmas.’”

Across the Galaxy the people of the parliament’s bodies put down their weapons and depowered their Wolven-drive attack ships. Strangers hugged one another and prepared for a day of joy and peace for all living-kind.


The next day the Purge began, humanity launched ten millions ships across the galaxy, burning worlds from the sky. They walked over the corpses of civilisations older than memories could contain. They danced in the ashes of children and sung songs of fire and shadow. Nothing was left standing by the end of things. It was the shortest war in the history of the galaxy, less than five months.

In fact it was all over by Christmas.

The End.

You may have detected a hint of cynicism in that story. I wrote it while I was in a pretty dark place a few months back. After I posted my entry last night I ended up playing Mass Effect 3 for about two hours which was fun. I'm almost ready for a decent challenge in the silver games soon I think. My only problem is killing Phantoms, they're impossible for me, I just run when I see them now. Can't be bothered trying to survive. Everything else in the game dies when I fight them, it is just Phantoms who make it through. I've taken down a Brute and an Atlas solo(no cannon) before, which was awesome, but a Phantom just screws with me.
After that I went to bed.

So today I was pretty lazy. I woke up in a panic because I thought it was Sunday for some reason, probably because I haven't even thought about today or what my plans were for it. I was thinking of going and seeing Prometheus but I probably won't now.
The reason I was so panicked about it being a Sunday was that I've a really important soccer game tomorrow and if I miss it there will be hell to pay.
After that I fell back asleep and had a weird dream about driving around a prison in a car, I'm sure there is some deep meaning behind that. I woke up and just tried to do nothing of anything today, but I eventually had to eat and so I made myself some sandwiches.

In the Red Dwarf book Last Human there is this great bit at the start where the main character wakes up and doesn't remember anything about himself or how he got there and a small voice in his head tells him to not focus on any details because this ignorance is probably the only time while awake he'll get all day when he won't be stressed. I had that for about an hour before I remembered my grades for this semester. While not horrible I'm still pissed off about getting a 4 on that assignment, I'm pissed off at myself for not doing the work necessary to at least get at least a 5 and for hurting my partners marks in the process.
It took me about an hour after I woke up to remember that and feel bad about it. I'll probably feel better about it later on but it is a sad blot on my grades. Thankfully there aren't anymore group assignments left for me to do, all I've left is my Minor Project now and that will be a solo effort for the most part. I'm worried about it a bit, but I think I'll just need to power down and get through it and I should be fine.

After I got over being maudlin I read some of that book Luisa leant me and then sent her a text asking if she wanted to see Prometheus with me tomorrow night, she said no because the reviews have been poor at best. So we've organised to go see Brave on Friday night instead. It was only after we'd bashed out the details I found out that there are some advanced screenings tomorrow night which we could have gone to. But I really need a haircut and a shave and probably need some kind cleaning process to get me out of the funk I'm in right now so it's probably better that we wait a few more days so I can get myself looking good and feeling better. Still it will be nice to go out and do something normal for once. I've pretty much wasted the last week going around doing nothing, the only thing I've really done in the last week was soccer training and the meeting with Helen which were both on the same day. I need something to engage with or I'm going to go crazy soon.
Thus I need to start working on my eportfolio and my project this week. Something I wouldn't have done if I didn't do this Blog everyday in June.
I've found it helpful in noticing patterns and trends in my life that need fixing or adjustment. Kind of like how writing down everything you eat in a week helps you lose weight because you have to keep a record it makes it easier to reflect on your decisions and choices.

I went out to the shops to get myself some ham and Gatorade for tomorrow morning's game. We're currently looking at 13 players but probably 12 so I'll need to be on my game and ready when I hit the field. As I was leaving the house my mother told me I was making dinner tonight so I had to get food for Spaghetti bolognese, which is something my mother loves to do, wait till I'm just about to go somewhere and then give me an extra job on top of it. She's managed to hold me up a few dozen times over the years with this technique.
At the shops I bumped into Athena who still works there, she seemed resigned to working in a supermarket, I pointed out that I was there for nearly a decade all together and she'd only been doing it for five years so far so she can still get out. I remember quitting the first time I left Woolies, it was a strange feeling, not having to work and not having any real responsibilities for the future. I'm worried about going back to work now because I know I'll have to do job interviews, which I've never really done before, and a resume which is very light in content right now.

I left the shops, cooked dinner and then pretty much did nothing until it was time to write up todays entry. Not much happened, which is a shame but every now and then we need days of emptiness.

YouTube Clip of the Day: Tommy Lee Jones in Japan. I'm still not sure what the hell this video is about, but I couldn't stop laughing at it.
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