Oct 11, 2007 19:03
I think I've acclimated to the city.
Now that I'm back to work on a daily basis, I have my daily cast of characters at the bus stop. The fat Italian. The old cat lady. We don't talk to each other at all, but are aware of each other's presences. After I get off the bus, I have the guy that gives me my coffee in the morning that calls me teach. I grab my Metro, which is not as good as AM New York, but there are no AM New Yorks at my subway stop.
It's funny the the objects that have become more important to me since I've lived in Brooklyn. Most notably: The Umbrella. This is crucial to city life.
There's hardly a need for an umbrella in Buffalo. Maybe you might need it to get from a car to a building. That's hardly a necessity. I never had one.
I actually remember the first time I held an umbrella. I was like 3 or 4 and I got one for a gift. I was really excited for it to rain, because I wanted to use it. When it did rain, I asked to go outside and I walked up and down in front of my grandparent's house on the sidewalk, just so I could use my umbrella. How crazy is that? I needed an excuse just to use my umbrella.
But in Brooklyn? It's a whole thought process. Practically, I should have a big huge umbrella. It should be able to cover me and five of my friends. That ideal umbrella would have trouble fitting in my purse though.
Yes, fitting in the purse is key for the ideal umbrella. When I first moved I would just buy the cheap Chinatown umbrellas. Those last anywhere between 1 and 5 uses. After that they die, usually in the middle of a downpour.
I got a real, fancy umbrella last year for Christmas, which was actually a great present that I didn't ask for. It didn't break, but it was lost. So, instead of getting another cheapie, I invested 15 dollars in an umbrella as a matter of necessity at Century 21. It's green. It's small. It covers my hair though, and most of my body.
So, it's rainy today, and I wanted to talk about umbrellas. That's all.