Saw lots and lots of improv this weekend at the OoB West festival. There was also sketch. And good sketch. Neither Faith nor I are sketch fans...and I think that's because we've only really seen mediocre sketch. This weekend, though, had some great stuff. Backpack Picnic was amazing! They had filmed some short sketches to play during costume changes. This was so great b/c there was no down time. There was also a troupe from Chicago that had a good show and a great opening sketch involving a quadraplegic. The Countess hosted one of the nights. I don't know how to describe her, except that she's a wonderful host.
Pgraph did the French Farce, which I was hoping they would. The thing that made me sad is that it went over the heads of a lot of the audience. I kept laughing when it was pretty quiet and wanted to download the info I have on that style to everyone so they could enjoy it as much as I did. Another troupe did a Tennessee Williams improv show. Though I still really love The Mighty Stumps who do Chekov.
Girls Girls Girls had a really fun show about a space station. I officially have a girl crush on Madeline.
Last night was
The Doubtful Guests. They. Blew. My. Mind.
Best part? They haven't performed in over a year and a half, and they are going to do a run in October because of this Festival! At the Bang theater, where my musical team performs. I talked with Sabrina, the female of the troupe, and she mentioned she was a teacher at Bang and often goes to see shows. So, she may catch one of mine.
The weekend was filled with being reintroduced to people and making new friends. Which is one of my most favoritest things about improv. And now I must get back to work b/c I'm doing background later this week for a Matt Damon movie. Rock it.