"Can I Speak to you for a moment"

Aug 26, 2008 08:49

Let me start with something positive...  Simply because I feel like I'm always bitching and that really isn't me.  I am in a great mood today and I am looking forward to tomorrow because I am off.  I have plans to go hiking, seeing the best friend for lunch and then off to do as I wish with the rest of my day.  I love days off.

Let the BITCHING commence!!!

So I had a horrible day yesterday.  I spent all morning in the hospital.  Richard is covered with infections and was admitted.  He has not been taking care of himself and I am not his father so I must sit and watch this 72 year old suffer because he has lost interest in life.  Rays of sunshine people!!!

So from the hospital I rush home because I have to be at work.  I get home shower, dress, make my lunch, all good I have time...I'm gonna make it.  Get there and I spend 35 minutes looking for parking.  NOT MY IDEA OF FUN.

And here is the meat of this post for today... My store manager we'll call her..."OMG I'm a hick girl who just happens to be pretty WTF"   calls me into the office.  She wants to talk.  I get a lecture about making the right decisions at the right time and in one breathe she tells me that she understands that my immediate supervisor is an idiot but I have to try harder to show her that I want to be there.................UGH!!!!!  I explained how I feel like an outsider and how no one in the building is strong when it comes to communication and that I shouldn't be the only one trying.  I also informed her that when ever I ask for something to do to show that I am trying ...."help customers" is the response I get.  I am having absolutely no luck with finding a new job and its becoming very discouraging.  I am however becoming a Partylite consultant.  I love the product and its super fun to talk about..

I'm done, I really just want to be the happy person I can be all the time...work makes that hard...........WTF
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