Este color? No Aye!!

Aug 07, 2008 23:43

The land of the international idiot, other wise known as my job has offered some amusement and some aggravation this week.  Lets start with the aggravation seeing as how it's freshest in my mind.  A certain assistant manager, who happens to be my immediate supervisor, is a CUNT!!  I never, I mean NEVER even think of using that word.  However, she fits the bill and quite easily too.  Today she decided that my management style didn't mesh with hers so I was wrong.  I gave a project to an associate so that I wouldn't have my head stuck in a wall all day and that was a bad idea becaue I should be the best goddammed jean folder in the land...To you ma'am, I say kiss my pants...

On to the fun stuff...
My spanish is not so great.  Yes, yes  I am Puerto Rican and all but hey my father failed in the bilingual department.  So at work I will go as far as possible without having to use any of  little spanish speaking ability I do have.  Until that is, they become retarded and after I have shown them what there is in their size and they circle the fixture as though they are a vulture about to swoop for a midnight snack.  Then I get all getto on ther asses and I just start spitting my  half correct spanglish... It amuses my sales associates and I get a good chuckle out of it as well.

Oh, I did have one customer fall in love with me today.  He was from Australia, shopping with his wife, I helped them pick out some stuff and we of course struck up a conversation about his homeland as it is my dream vacation destination.  After about 45 minutes of helping him, (7 pair of Levi's and three shirts...Dayum I'm good.)  He handed me his business card and said that I should email him and keep in touch, so when I finally do make it to Australia,  I can give them a ring so I might have a home cooked meal or two and a tour guide of Queensland.  Oh I forgot to mention ...he was all kinds of woofy hot AND an Inspector with the Queensland Police...

Why the love hate relationship with my job?   sigh!

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