May 26, 2011 16:42
Jaaaaa, ich hab's getan!!! Ich war nach bestimmt 15 Jahren mal wieder bei einer Chorprobe... Manchmal tut es ganz gut, und kann befreiend wirken, sich aufzuraffen, und über seinen eigenen Schatten zu springen... :-) (Danke Dir für's Ermutigen und Dasein!) Bin froh es getan zu haben. Hat Spaß gemacht! Wie's weitergeht, wird sich zeigen... Aber wie heißt es so schön und äußerst passenderweise in einem Lied, welches wir gestern neu angefangen haben: einfach mal was neues probieren, wer weiß, wo's einen hinführt. ;-)
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Clap Your Hands
Clap your hands and sing "Hallelujah"!
Reach up to the sky.
Clap your hands and sing "Hallelujah"!
Lift your voices high.
Won't you join the celebration?
Come and let your song ring loud and clear.
Clap your hands and sing "Hallelujah",
'cause a brand new day is here.
You can find a littlebit of sunshine,
even on the darkest day,
and if you try you can chase your troubles away!
So before another day is over,
try your hand at something new
'cause you never know
what's out there waiting for you.
Clap your hands and sing "Hallelujah"!
Reach up to the sky.
Clap your hands and sing "Hallelujah"!
Lift your voices high.
Won't you join the celebration?
Come and let your song ring loud and clear.
Clap your hands and sing "Hallelujah",
'cause a brand new day is here.
Can't you hear us singing,
"Halleluja", "Halleluja", "Halleluja",
"Halleluja", "Halleluja"!
Clap your hands and sing "Hallelujah"!
Reach up to the sky.
Clap your hands and sing "Hallelujah"!
Lift your voices high.
Won't you join the celebration?
Come and let your song ring loud and clear.
Clap your hands and sing "Hallelujah",
'cause a brand new day is here.
(Musik und Text: Don Besig/Nancy Price)
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