
Aug 03, 2004 22:10

im back to lj.

just for now.

im so happy with everything. So much has changed with my life since i stopped writing in this. And i feel like updating my life to the people who are interested...

Life=Amazing. Im so happy. Family is doing great (a few father incidents but nothing new), My best friend Dominique has been a light and has been so great this entire summer along with her whole family, and theres my boyfriend Jake, theres something so comforting about having a boyfriend and having someone you love that loves you. I can't believe i turned into one of those sappy love people but hey it makes everything seem perfect.=)

Thats all thats going. I have absolutely no money to buy anything but i still enjoy life.

My mom left Saturday for 8 days. It's been fun staying with my sister but unfortunately my grandpa is still living here, so that means no parties i probably wouldn't throw one anyways, but it does mean a later curfew.

Today my boyfriend bought a street bike. It's so cool this is a picture of what it looks like. I also told him that the only way I'll ride it, is if a get a cool hot pink helmet. I'm excited it goes so fast! He's also going into the Marines in January.

One thing that is sort of sad about this summer is that i haven't seen many other people besides Jake and Dominique. Although, last night i did hang out with an amazing friend, Jacob Nelson we had a good time just catching up on things. And i have only seen Charlotte, Emily, and  Lauren like twice, which sucks. But i'm really hoping that once school starts back up we'll all still be close. I miss them and I'm not sure if they really realize that.

I'm getting a new cell phone within the next 2 weeks. And I'm hoping that i wont have to change my number, but ill be sure to let you know.

This summer has definitly been chill. All i literally do is lay around my house. Seriously, Im not over exaggerating or anything. I just lay around and sit on my ass. And if i not at home sitting on my ass. Im with dom at her house or with jake at his house just laying around. But it's been nice to not have any worries.

Ive been thinking about this upcoming school year. And im actually excited about it. I keep thinking that i'll enjoy going to school more and that it wont be so bad unlike last year, but then i rememeber that its a whole 9 months of waking up early to do something and go somewhere that is unpleasant. But i guess ill just stop thinking about school. Theres still plenty of summer left to keep me satisfied.

But anyways, I was bored when i decided to do this and I'm not sure if anyone is really interested, but it felt good to write all this because I'm doing really good and Im really happy.

P.S. I'm still a huge President Bush fan. =)
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