Weekend sucked balls

Aug 03, 2009 07:51

I had the pager, so I was on call this weekend, and it sucked major donkey balls. I got a couple pages on saturday after 5PM, but it was Sunday that was the painful one. There were many pages that I had to answer, even when the weather was really really bad. But, I made it through and it's finally monday and things are almost back to normal. I'm still on the pager in the morning, but only for about an hour, and it's not too bad. It hardly ever goes off, since most businesses don't open until at least 9.

One of the guys that I've seen on pounced forever but never actually messaged started messaging me over the weekend, that was a surprise. We both laughed, since we had seen each others ads on there for the longest time, but neither one of us replied to each other, thinking the other wouldn't be any kind of compatible at all. But he broke the ice with the first message, and we've never looked back. The emails are kind of slow, but that would be an email address I would never check while I was at work.

So quick update, there will be more someday...
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