i was totally in philosophy today. that's awesome mainly because he handed out the test review for wednesday. :)
he never takes attendance so, uh, yeah..
anywayzerz!, the weather right now is PERFECT. i feel like climbing a tree or something. and then falling out of it onto my face because i'm sure that's what would happen. then my leg would break like tyrone prothro's. :(
my window is open and the breeze is on my face.. afjdghhsjk. :)
i really really love the daytime. i've realized that even though i've had a lot of crazy awesome nights, it's during the day that i always feel the most uplifted. the happiest. the world is so bright and ALIVE during the day. nothing is hidden, or secretive, or obscure.
[by the way, if we say 'at night' then why the poop don't we say 'at day'. it makes sense. just a thought..]
but back to what i was saying about the beautiful day, it makes me feel so good to be outside. i am by no means one of those Hike Up A Mountain And Sing Songs With The Birds type gals, but i love NATURE.
also, a lot of the things i've said and done and later regretted have usually happened at night. because gosh damn the black night, with all its foul temptations. [if you recognize that then you pretty much rule at life.] and speaking of which, i just want to get it out there that we all do stupid senseless things sometimes, but before you decide to paint a scarlet letter on me, please have some compassion and try your hardest to realize this.
guess what, it IS that easy.
sorry, that's more of a personal thing that's been affecting me as of late. which won't happen anymore.
ha, now that i've brushed my shoulders off,
i love my roommates. i really really appreciate them so much. christina has been a blessing from GOD HIMSELF and i will always believe it no matter what. she is so mature and self-actualized. talking to her is like drinking a bottle of water. she is better at being my mom than ..my mom.
and little tough freshman leah. haha, she's so awesome. and such a smartass! i love it.
and tiffany. wow, i laugh so HARD with tiffany. CRYING and ROLLING AROUND laughing. our personalities just bounce right off of each other in the most awesome way, and i know the girls down the hall have heard our laughter booming many a-night. well.. hers probably drowns mine out.
this brings me to my next point in this apparently longer than i thought el jay post,
i, dianna m. jackson, LOVE TO LAAAAAUUUGH. more than anything in this world, i love it when i laugh so hard that i can't breathe. i want it to happen a gajillion times every day.
and i love to make people laugh. that's a nice feeling too. :)
the bird outside my window is chirping so loud and pretty. [HE'S TRYING TO GET A GIRLFRIEND AW]
something crazy, last night on my way to kevin's i was blasting my guilty pleasure song, "empty apartment" by yellowcard, and i was nearly screaming at the top of my lungs singing it.. when suddenly it got to the bridge and i got so into it that i ALMOST STARTED CRYINNNNNGGG. AAAAAAAAAHAHAHA!!!! tears formed and everything. and of course i had to laugh out loud at myself at this absurdity that i started choking. hard. so there i was, driving through tuscaloosa streets blasting this pop song choking my damn ass off.
just so you know,
it was a lot of fun.
and i love kevin. i hadn't seen his little reclusive butt in so long that i could tell the mop on his head had GROWN. his personality is so random and silly that i love being around him. my favorite part is when he introduced me to 'baby seal'. haha, yes apparently even guys keep the stuffed animals they've had since 2. [that's right ladies, it was very AAAAAAAWWW!! worthy]
i love my friends. my friends know the things about me that are not so good [and vice versa], but my friends still care [and vice versa]. it's a good feeling. I LOVE MY FRIENDS. :)
tonight i'm going home to see JOANNA and MORGAN B and MORGAN L [at surin!]. and then ELIIIIIIIISE. heckYUS. those girls are amazing.
my brother's 22nd birfday is sunday. :D
oh. last night at kevin's i saw a wrapper for GREEN APPLE MENTOS.
duuuuuuuuuuudes. my world is blown away.