
Jul 28, 2006 07:54

So, i leave for Wisconsin, hopefully in not too long.
Was supposed to leave yesterday, but yeah...i kinda boofed that one.
So yeah. I'm off to try and get my car inspected.
I'll get back Monday, so if you all would like to hang out, i'll try my damndest for that week.
I can't guarentee anything, but i do want to get better at following through with my proposed plans.
I know i've slipped up a lot, with how crazy my schedule can be, and how much worse my sleep schedule is (I didn't go to sleep until about 3something last night...and i've got 8 straight hours of driving ahead of me today). But i will try.
So yeah.
Hopefully Wisconsin wont be bad, this drive wont kill me, and i'll be back safe and sound in not too long.
So everyone, take it easy, and see you fuckers in 4 days.

oh, and snuggles!
That page was straight out of Wes' book.
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