Oct 11, 2007 10:59
So after working out last night, I finally nabbed the Radiohead album from Dan, put on some headphones, and went on a nice walk with it.
After two listens, this is what I have to say about "In Rainbows:" It is INCREDIBLE.
There are so many elements that are different from their last three records, but this is still blatantly Radiohead. Thom Yorke's voice is superb, the Greenwood bros totally rule here, and Phil Selway, once again throws down some of the best subtle drumming out there.
What makes this album so much better than "Amnesiac" and "Hail to the Thief" at the very least, "Kid A" probably too, is the warmth showcased here. All Radiohead is dark, but the prior three albums had an overwhelming sense of coldness and paranoia. Sure, there was plenty of paranoia present on "OK Computer" too, but it was established in an incredibly warm way. "In Rainbows" is purged of this paranoia, and comes across as a warm, inviting pop album consisting of love songs.
Also, this is the first Radiohead album since "OK Computer" where I've absolutely loved every single song. It's been a long time since there's been an album where I can't really pick out any stand out tracks due to them all being great. They have the perfect combination of heart, simplicity, complexity, experimentation, beauty, and groove. And honestly, I am not used to the amount of groove all over the record, especially in "All I Need" and "House of Cards." It is a welcome addition to the Radiohead superweapon.
Everything technically about it is also perfect. The instrumentation, production, mixing, sequencing. Just listen to "15 Step," "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi," and the awesome swell at the end of "All I Need." The drum sounds were impressive and interesting as well. I'm used to hearing huge, roomy snare and kick drums, but on a good portion of "In Rainbows," the drums are pretty thin and high pitched. Not used to that, but it is pulled off really well.
I am just gushing all over about this, and I have only listened to it twice. I anticipate the album will very rarely leave my CD player for the next few months. I said this when "Hail to the Thief" first came out, too. I said that it was the best Radiohead album since "OK Computer." A few months later, I realized how ridiculous of a statement that was to me. Not even close. I think I can say that and mean it though with "In Rainbows." Like "OK Computer," but unlike any other Radiohead album, I was instantly hooked, blown away, and inspired on first listen (the rest took some time before I fully understood them). I had a big grin on my face the entire time.
"In Rainbows" helps me to see Radiohead almost as real people, or even just a real band, opposed to these supernatural godsends who will forever create mega-albums, which can only be outdone by God himself, if that's even possible. It's nice to see that such an incredible, established, popular band is still growing, bending, and waving, dissolving and reemerging as a better version of themselves. And, lastly, in all honesty, Radiohead would be considered much more human without the studio hands of Nigel Godrich. Just sayin'.
This turned out to be way more of a review than I had thought. Oh well. That's what I think. Please please please tell me what you think of the album.