honey why are you crying? is everything okay?

May 15, 2006 21:32

this is a ranting entry so you don't have to read if you don't want to...

im not looking for attention in this. i just wanted to get it out. so whether you read it or not i dont care.

ok so im mad. well not mad just really let down. i dont know. i guess i try to hard. i just DON'T SEE how someone can come in from nowhere and be little miss perfect and do everything right even though they have not worked that long when i have  been working my freakin butt of forever. I DON'T GET IT. IT'S NOT FAIR. i really just want to give up sometimes. i try so hard and still dont even suceed. and i manage to find a way to balance everything and i still seem to SUCK at it all. even when i try it doesnt help, im still not that good. or wow look at her. its ALWAYS someone else. and i'm NOT trying to sound bratty or like a bitch but sometimes i just want to suceed at something i have relaly worked hard on. but i feel like i cant do it. and i just want to give up, because there is alwyas going to be someone who is better, who can come in and take all the attention, and is going to be the best one. and im just the one who is doing it wrong, or oh you still could be better, even though im trying my hardest. i just dont get it....

wow i really hate how i sound. but it's how i feel.
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