Oct 16, 2009 08:07
Ever since I came here, I've been unaffected by many of the usual requirements of a living person. In that light, I suppose my condition has been a little liberating.
Yesterday, for the first time since being here, I felt hunger again. It was rather chilling, considering the nature of that day. I'm only glad I wasn't as deeply affected as others in the city were, or things in our home might have ended rather differently.
To make us crave each other's flesh in such a way is...
I suppose it's right on par, in fact. For this place.
[Private to Hotaru]
How are you feeling today?
[Private to Haruka]
Considering yesterday, and that there may be other curses that would force us to quarentine each other, perhaps we could see about selecting a room in the house specifically for such times.