A little update on what my life has been like in the past 3 years.. (or just a boring text post)

Aug 25, 2013 01:11

I'm finally going to update this cause it's been three years since I last updated this. The last time I updated this was probably when I wrote it....woops. Anyways, to begin with. My name is Niamh. The last time you guys saw this it said that I was turning seventeen turning eighteen...well a few things have changed. First of all I am no longer a teenager (waaaah) in fact I am now twenty years of age. I created this journal three years ago due to a 'little' boy band names One Direction....well they were little when I joined this. When I joined this website it was so I could communicate with my fellow 'Directioners' back then we weren't even called that because as far as I knew there was only about 20 of us back then. I think I joined this probably around the 3rd or 4th week of X Factor 2010, just to post fics about our boys and to get to know other people who supported these five boys. How were we suppose to know that these five boys were going to become one of the world's biggest boybands - if not the biggest boyband in the world (I still say it's Backstreet Boys but whatevs).

Since then I haven't really been in the one direction fandom simply because I do not like the fans anymore. When I joined this fandom I'd like to think that I was one of the first few directioners simply because I wasn't on tumblr nor did I know anybody else on the internet that liked them except for this little community.

I thought it was great so I created a twitter to support the boys but then I deleted it after a few months or maybe it was a year I can't remember because there was a bit of drama starting in the fandom and it was annoying me (to think the drama back then was nothing compared to what it is today) so I deleted it and I'm glad I did because if I didn't I think I would've become one of the crazy obsessive twitter accounts and possibly one of the 'crazy' slash shippers that everybody hates.

Anyway I'm kind of getting off topic here but this whole fandom has changed and now half of the fans piss me off because they're either fighting with each other or fighting with every other fandom out there. When I joined it was nice and quiet and nobody knew who we were and nobody knew who the boys were and it was nice.

I guess I'm here to say is that even though I'm still a fan I don't like to call myself a 'directioner' simply because of the fans. I still love the boys though and will support them. I probably won't be posting anymore fics onto here anymore mainly because I don't come on here anymore, but if you want I have an ao3 account which if I do decide to post anymore fics (which I probably will) they will most likely be posted onto there.

so if you guys want to find me anywhere you can check my tumblr which is: stiles-stillinski (not a 1D tumblr but I do post them casually). This is where I'm on most of the time.
my twitter which is: BigTimeAgron again this isn't a 1D twitter it's mainly a Big Time Rush and a Glee twitter but I have many fandoms. I don't really tweet anymore either so the best place to get in touch with me is my tumblr because I'm pretty much on that every single day. Right now it's mostly a teen wolf tumblr.
or my ao3 account which is unpredictablyreckless you can also catch me on my fanfiction account under the same name.

So for now, I'm afraid to say that this is a goodbye which is a shame cause I used to love coming on here talking with you guys and getting excited over what song they'll sing next on the x-factor etc. but now everything is just too much and I don't like it.

Like I said if you guys wanna keep in contact with me click on the links above.

and I'm out :)
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