I was reading more of the Jane Wolfe biography this weekend when I read a letter from O.P.V. (Norman Mudd) to Progradior (Frank Bennett). Bennett had complained to Jane Wolfe (Estai) that he was receiving negative responses from the public about his involvement with Crowley’s system and his followers were not supporting him due to fear of negative publicity hurting them too. If you read the Frank Bennett biography you’d know that Bennett was also getting flack from his family.
Within the letter O.P.V. stated the following:
In your letter to Estai you say “These people that I have here are all right but frightened.” Since “Fear is failure and the forerunner of failure,” this saying of yours is rather obscure and sounds like a contradiction on terms. I don’t think you should let any of the people under you sit on the fence and longer. Divise some test which will make them decide definitely and quickly, Yes or No, whether or not they will stand openly by your side. The triflers, the half-hearted, or the fainthearted are more dead weight. You cannot expect Kingly men to grow on every bush, even in Australia, and it is only Kingly men that we have any time for.
Crowley also wrote Progradior and referred to the letter to Estai and O.P.V.’s letter:
You say your people are frightened. You must kill that fear. Get rid once and for all of all who won’t come out wholly. O.P.V.’s letter is admirable.
These passages made me think about the numerous people who privately come to me and admit that they think I am either partially or totally correct in my criticism of the OTO leadership. I frequently confront them and say if you agree with me, why don’t you publicly say so. Usually the quick answer is that they are trying to work “within” the system.
I have heard the “within the system” answer so many times it is laughable. The sad truth is I used to say it too! I can remember talking to leadership critics in 1999 and 2000 saying that I too was attempting to work within the system to change things. The reality is after years of trying, I accomplished very little. Other, higher degree members have tried also and received the same results, nothing. The thing about the “inside method” is that the leadership can ignore you quite successfully because you have no where else to go. If you work within the system and the system freezes you out, what options do you have left? Either go public or go away. The people who choose the later usually go quietly and this is what the leadership wants.
The other, more honest people tell me they don’t speak up because they are afraid of the repercussions. I give them credit for honesty but think little of them because they are ruled by fear. O.P.V. clearly points out the results of those who are ruled by fear.
The power within thelema rests with the individual and their convictions: their Will. If a person is not willing to stand for what they believe, especially at a time when it is under attack, it indicates they really don’t believe in it too much and that other concerns supersede the conviction. If fear causes them to capitulate to the pressures of the herd, how Kingly is the person? And if the person is not Kingly, why should we have time for them? Isn’t thelema the law for the strong?
When I confront people with this they show their true colors and I walk away disappointed in them. So far this has been the case with the majority of the leadership of the OTO. Nevertheless, I still believe in testing the BE model AC created and that is what I fight for. If others believe in it too; if they have felt the disappointment in the leaders, they should stand up and say so; they should be the kings they claim to be. The OTO is not hopeless, only individuals can be hopeless. If an individual can get past the fear and disappointment, they can stand up and fight for what they believe in even if the status quo is against them. This is why I continue to stand up and speak my mind publicly; everyone else will have to make their own decision, but if you claim that you are trying to change things from the inside, you’re delusional or are ruled by fear. Neither of these are found in Kingly men and women.