Mar 11, 2006 22:52
I'm soooo sad. I don't think I've ever felt so sad about drama before. I cried my freakin eyes out on stage friday because the seniors gave their little talks on stage and presented ruse with the gift. (It was the best show we had, though.)Emily made me cry and then it hit me, "the play is over. we will never have this same cast and crew doing the same show at the same time again." sounds dumb, eh? it happened, though. I got over it though and went out with everyone. We went to Ihop and Walmart. IHOP rocked...sam made a new drink that everyone had to try (if anyone has mono, we'll all have it...), I talked to Juan, I saw Hailey, I met Hailey's cousin, Brittany, I had two guys stare at me and Hailey...we got mad, Hailey flipped them off and David cussed em out...Friday was great. I'm still sad that Jeff and Haas didn't make it, but I'm sure the reasoning was good.
I went prom dress shopping today. It took me forever, but I have a dress. Now I need to find a date. Therein lies the problem. Oh well, I'll find someone...right?? This just makes it more obvious that I hate being single. Goodness. I'm happy, most of the time, being single. It doesn't affect me too much...until i see that I really do long for someone, even though I try to hide it. good grief!
I went to IRT with the cast, crew, and advanced theatre classes Friday. It was a great trip. We saw King Lear, which I actually understood without reading the play or synopses. It was wonderful! I've figured out that I want to live in a big city...not muncie. :)
I met Greg Williams thursday, at Central. Some people are idiots...that's my conclusion. he is a genius who has went through rough times in Muncie...and is 1/4 black...but looks white. He grew up here in the 50s and had to deal with the prejudice side of muncie. Well, some dumb Central kids didn't read his autobiographical book and decided to judge him because "he ain't black." (as did some of our seniors who went.) People started saying crap like, "he's just lying to make money." even if he is, big deal...but I don't think he could make the stuff in the book up. Idk. People are soooo freaking stupid. I can't stand it! if they had read the book, LIfe of the Color Line, they would have seen why he considers himself black. gosh, stupid people, read!
I saw, for the first time ever, that people in Muncie are really homophobic. if people find out someone's gay or bi they flip out. I thought I was homophobic for a while, like three years ago, but now I don't care about people's personal decisions. I can't sit and judge everyone and be scared of them because they are different than I am. goodness, people, get a life~ I think that is one thing America has to deal with quick, or atleast Muncie. People can live the way they choose. Just because people are different doesn't make them bad or evil. Some of my best friends are bi or gay or different....or whatever society wants to call it. people just need to quit being so freakin judgemental. (just so you know, I'm straight, but hate having people judge my friends for stupid things)
well, that's my rant and rave for the week...................end.