Feb 25, 2006 03:50
Yes, you heard correctly. I took a freakin' hit of IHOP, with a twist of Walmart. WTF does that?? Me, obviously, with Sara, Sam, Haas, Jeff, and Hailey. We had fun...even though I knocked over a display and got hit in the head with a bouncy ball......a big bouncy ball........I also ruined the night by having to be home by freakin 10:00. Who in the right mind is going to tell me, a 17-year-old girl, to be home by 10:00 on Friday? *get the hint about the parents?? I think they've forgotten who I am...* In the end, I had TONS of fun. Those people rock my socks off
Did I mention Renaissance Cafe? Obviously not. It sucked. The performers were great but no one showed up. That sucked! I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. It was tonight at shs in the cafeteria...at 6:00 and only 10 people showed up. After I performed, I went out with my friends. . . and had fun, even though SOMEONE was asleep for a while...eh, it's all good.
My new fave people in the world are Sara, Jeff, Haas, Hailey, Sam, and Corey...they are all funny people (and jeff can undo haas's pants with one hand. *oooooh, that's kinda hot....* jk, or am i??) and made me laugh. :) They are good people, as Sara would say.
Sara has to be a goddess of something...like chuck norris jokes. she knows an infinite amount and they are all funny. Jeff has to be a god of something....like cheese because he had to go see the drummer?? at walmart in the cheese area......no, i don't want to talk about it.
Backtracking a little....Wednesday was crazy. I got a ride from Victor's host mother to bsu to see brian greene lecture. it rocked...until david (with brittane) were discussing weird food combinations that were actually good....I brought up that i liked pickles and peanut butter and victor's host mother asked me if i was pregnant. hahaha....*sarcastically* I can't believe it. It was odd becuase we're talking about ME...not someone else!
New subject.....less than 2 weeks until opening night! WHOOOhoooo! I can't wait, but we have to get started on ruse's gift! If we don't, it's not going to get done.............
I'm confused with the whole guy thing again. I like two guys, although I don't want to like either one, and have no chance with either one. Dang guys! They always do this to me. frig.
I'm done. End!