Jun 03, 2005 15:15
wow i really feel bummed i still liked Donny and he didnt like me back i told him everything was ok with me and that yeah we can still be friends but yesturday dave put a whole in a water bottle and sprayed it at me and i got really really pissed but then he gave the water bottle to laurin and she sprayed me cause she was spraying me and donny and i was like did u just do that y would u want to include me in a water fight if u hate me and like i was pissed at dave but not her cause i had no where to run on the bus and like i hate seeing her everywhere i go and god i just want to get over our fight and get over the fact that we will never be friends again i hate it i thought i was fine with all that until this week i see her more and more and i just cant take it it hurts so much i see her all the time even in my dreams i want to talk to her and it just seems weird i want to give it another try but she is bie and it makes me weird around her and i say so much shit about her its not even funny and sum how she fucking comes up in every fucking conversation i have i hate it this makes me so depressed i want to say something nice but i cant its like she fucking changed my life i almost feel bie cause i talk about her but i fucking hate it im not bie and if n e one comments dont say i am cause im not y should i be i dont like girls there not attractive to me i dont know the Busses really changed my life and i dont know how to feel like i already explained the laurin part but donny ahh i just want to give up but i cant he also is in like every subject and i found out alot of girls like him so i dont know my mom jsut got me in a worse mood i cant hang out with slaine cause we r broke and im still grounded until next thursday that bitch and she is sending me to my fucking dads tomarrow cause we were supposed to go to wisconsin and we cant cause r car broke down and we only have enough space in the car for the babys and my parents so she talked to my dad and i have to go there she said i had to go cause im grounded and there is no room so that just show me how much my mom fucking cares i really think she doesnt have time for me or n e thing n e more she doesnt act like she cares so i dont care i fucking cant wait till i fucking get ungrounded im so pissed rite now i dont even know if i am depressed i was so thankful for everything and like just one person can change ur life i dont care i have to practice singing rite now cause im trying out for an Oreo thing on the 18 so i have to go if i dont return i love most of yal bye
Love Erika