Jun 29, 2006 12:49
Tuesday was a long day. I started it with back-to-back midterms in both Lit classes. I met with Rose Marie, Mark, Lindsey, etc. for a short lunch discussion thing. Then dropped by the raptor center for a short break before going to work. Work was cut short due to a couple of nice puncture wounds in my left forearm compliments of a sweet little pit bull recovering after some orthopedic surgery. Her name is Xena, yes, warrior princess and all. I washed out my arm for a bit before going to get it stitched up and given a prescription for an antibiotic. I hope it doesn't get infected. But, since I was off work early, and my arm was full of lidocaine, therefore not hurting at the moment, I went over to Kim's and we played Super Mario on the SuperNES until we were both exhausted/sick of it (3ish hours straight). I went home and iced my arm before bed.
Strangely, it is more sore today than yesterday and my whole arm and hand feels swollen. It really isn't very swollen anymore, but there is a constant throb going on. I don't want to go to work today, but I went yesterday, so I can't really blame my arm to get off.
Anyway, that's enough typing.