MEME: day 6 - write 30 interesting facts about yourself.
30? Seriously? OK, meme, it's 11:22. You're getting five and that's it. Apologies if some of these are recycled from past "interesting facts" memes.
1. I hate following someone else when driving to a new place. Hate it, hate it, hate it. Please give me actual directions so I can understand where we're going.
2. I am apparently the go-to guy for explaining the difference between a square knot and a granny knot.
3. I am paranoid that I'll accidentally park in front of someone's driveway when I park on the street. I sometimes have to stand and stare at the area I'm parked in to reassure myself that I haven't done it, so that I don't start to question myself once I turn and walk away.
4. I like abstract modern art, usually even better than art that's supposed to be a picture of something in particular. In most cases I'm happier not reading the artist's statement of what it's supposed to be about. Just pure aesthetic experience.
5. I can remember how to count to 9 in Finnish (yksi, kaksi, kolme, neljä, viisi, kuusi, seitsemän, kahdeksan, yhdeksän) but I always forget what 10 is.
MEME MEME: Day 06 - A song that reminds of you of somewhere
The Whitlams: Love This City
This song was on the radio when I was in Australia for the first time. I have a very solid mental image during the line where the main character takes the train to work, of him using the South Coast Line.
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