Title: 50 Themes.
Genre: Like, all of them. Mostly happy, some angsty, very few sad endings. Lot's of fluff.
Pairing: KangTeuk, HanChul, QMi and Kihae. There may be ninja of others but I have no idea anymore.
Rating: 15? Eh, nothing graphic, just-before-graphic-kinda.
A/N: Wrote these ages ago, just remember they existed I SWEAR I HAVE MORE WTF. THERE SHOULD BE ANOTHER LOT. THERE IS ANOTHER LOT. WHERE HAVE THEY GOOOOONNNE. have just re-read them omfg whaii i hate them DDD:
Also, for those who are unaware, themes are short little sections (the could be one sentence or several) from a prompt. They exist in the same timeline as each other but they aren't in order and there is no necessary flow from one to the next.
It’s not about the singing, it’s not about the lyrics, it’s not about the dance or the radio or the TV shows and it’s definitely not about the fame. HanChul
They’re tight. He’s never seen jeans so tight. He wants to tap that. QMi
Kyuhyun has one word for you: hell. KiHae
You don’t know what’s going to happen in ten days, ten weeks, ten months, ten years. ELYSE, DIDN'T I HAVE MORE OF THESE? /cross