Nov 25, 2005 01:33
So it's been a year since last Thanksgiving, which was also at Mike's house... and a lot has happened since then...
Through all the ups and downs, I am honestly one of the luckiest people... I have so much to be thankful for, and one of the biggest things is having such an amazing boyfriend. I know sometimes I get in moods that make me question a lot of things... but I really don't have anything in my life right now that is more secure than him. He is my stability, my thing in life that I know is always constant... I know that no matter what, our love is there, and I can turn to him. Times can be hard when we are apart, but that only has made us stronger... and for that, I am so thankful. This was such a great Thanksgiving, I had such a good time all day... and I am so glad I have 3 more days to my weekend... 3 more days to be with the person I love...
3 great days!
It may not seem like a lot...
But it makes me so damn happy.
Not to mention, I have a new house to be thankful for (without heat and hot water), an amazing family and friends, food, clothing.
I've realized how important gas is in our day an age. Without that you don't get hot water or heat... and let me tell you it SUCKS! My heart goes out to all of the people less fortunate that don't have a home... I know there are A LOT of colder places just in this country alone, and I'm freezing my butt off. No one should have to live like that.
That is all! <3
Oh yeah, and the movie Rent is awesome.