(no subject)

Apr 29, 2007 21:33

How to start the story of today?


Today was the first time Joey and I rode in the back of a police car.

Today we caused such a ruckus on campus that the fire department was called.

Joey and I are now honorary members of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, because today we spent time in the sewers and we saved lives.

Take your pick, any one of those will do. So here's the story.

Today Joey and I were walking towards his jeep to go to lunch at his family's house. On the way, we spotted a mother duck with two ducklings. She was standing in the road (on campus), frantically quacking next to the sewer grate. Several feet down in said sewer grate were 10 of her ducklings, all cheeping loudly.

Joey and I ran to campus police to ask for help, and to my surprise they said they'd send someone over right away. (One time at ANC I called CPO about a bird in a grate, they said "we don't have time today. Maybe tomorrow." jerks.) Joey and I went back to the grate and saw that another duckling had fallen in. The RD from McCune came out and helped us take off the grate. I jumped down into the sewer, and the ducklings scattered into the connecting pipes. I sat real still and a few came out. I grabbed them, and Joey and Neil gave them to Mama duck.

The police arrived. The ducklings were exploring their maze of 5 different sewer pipes, which meant we had 5 sewer grates open. As we continued trying to lure or scare them out, campus police called the fire department. When the fire department finally arrived, there were still three ducklings down in the pipes.

My conversation with a fireman:

FM: It's okay if we miss one or two.
Me: No it's not.
FM: Yes it is.
Me: No it's not.
FM: Come on, we can leave one behind.
Me: We're saving them all.
FM: What are you, Green Peace??
Me: No. And we're saving them all.

First they blew air through a pipe that all three ducklings were hiding in. One came out into Joey's waiting hands (I was waiting further down the pipeline in another grate incase one got by him). Neil returned it to Mama duck. The air wasn't getting the last two out, so they shot water in. They came shooting out, and Joey caught them. As the river of water gushed into my grate, and I started to jump out, my flip flop was swept away. The only casualty of the day.

By then, Mama and 12 ducklings were huddling under some beach chairs. Neil ran for a box to catch them for transport to the Bio pond. We herded Mama duck into the box, and put all the babies in. The police man who stayed with us the whole time gave us a ride, unlocked the gate around the pond. We released them into the pond. Yay happy endings.
I have pictures too. They're cute.
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