CR chart.

Jan 18, 2011 23:37








Dexter Morgan

"I've changed a lot in five years, but I still don't know what I want."

Dexter was more of an ideal at first. Brian grew up thinking he'd get to be with his brother, an almost mythical shadowy figure who would accept him for who he was where everyone else discarded and didn't want him. He took his anger on that rejection out with his killing, and then when he learned that Dexter also kills, just felt like that clinched it: they were meant for each other (in a strictly fraternal way).

Then Dexter killed him. Or, Brian learned that he'd killed him. He honestly feels like their relationship was killed and that Dexter chose Deb over him, but slowly lately he's been returning to some mental equilibrium there. He's been starting to accept that Deb is a part of Dexter's life, and if he wants to overcome that he'll have to do that some way that isn't killing Deb. He'd honestly prefer if she'd just fall over and die and make his life easier, but maybe Dexter wouldn't want that, and he still kinda hero worships Dexter.

Brian isn't a person that takes back feelings or words or actions easily at all, and sticks to them religiously -- so he's going to be behind Dexter 100% no matter how much he thinks his brother's a stupid, self-limiting moron. Their relationship had been very strained for a while, with Brian repressing the entire idea that his brother might not want him in his life anymore, but as of very recently they've settled into a kind of understanding. Brian's not sure he can trust it, and one more major event could push him to a mental breakdown, but slowly he is heading in a positive direction in growth thanks to his brother.

Debra Morgan

"Oh fuck no."

Largely, Brian wishes she were dead. He's incredibly jealous of her, to an extent that can't be understated, for all the years she had with Dexter and for how much he obviously cares about her. She has everything he ever wanted, and she doesn't appreciate it, in his mind. The only person he hates more is Harry Morgan.

That said, if you strip away all the water under the bridge - a hard task - Brian would honestly like her. Their personalities mesh well when they don't want each other dead, and they appreciate each other's sense of humor. As it is, though, he rarely speaks to her, having promised Dexter not to start anything.


"We should've gone on vacation together, mate."

Brian thinks he's hilarious and easy to talk to. The hilarious quality is more easy to find, but "easy to talk to" should not be underestimated when it comes to Brian. He's spent most his entire life lying to people in some way or another, I imagine, so getting someone he can be completely honest with who of course disagrees but doesn't dislike him despite that disagreement is huge for him. It's so huge, in fact, that he doesn't want to think of it as huge and denies that sense.

Despite the issues under the surface, he'll keep talking to Spike and likely form some kind of broship. If they ever get honestly close, more serious, then his issues will crop up, but until then it's all fun and games.

Bruce Banner

"I don't really relax."

There's not much to say here, since I play both of them and don't want to playercest more than I have to. They've had one thread, because Bruce was Dexter's brother for the family virus before Brian showed up, and Brian wanted to meet him. He was surprised at how calm and careful Bruce is, and how meticulously nonjudging - he isn't impressed and he certainly isn't inclined to like him by default, but... he sort of likes him anyway. Believe me, no one was more surprised than Brian on that. He won't let on that he does, though; his current plans are limited to careful stalking. Bruce is another person on the 'safe' list due to his promise to Dexter.


"I'm only technically a serial killer and ... kinda spent when it comes to bromances."

Sylar makes noises about not being a killer anymore, about getting better, but Brian's not fooled. He knows that once you're a killer you're always a killer, and that kind of kinship coupled with how easy he is to talk to puts Sylar firmly on the "interested" list. Despite Brian's firm stance on doing what you want, being free as he says in canon, he's coming to understand necessity through his growing relationship with Dexter. He's beginning to get, albeit slowly, that sometimes you do have to limit yourself. Sylar's just farther along on this realization than he is. There's real potential for a lasting connection here.

Claire Fisher

"Did you just invite yourself over?"

Brian's lying to her and having fun doing it. There's really not a lot else going on here - she likes his jokes, thinks he's interesting, they're both morbid... In short, she's just the sort of person he enjoys duping. If she were a few years older he'd probably want to have sex with her, but since Vivi won't touch the underage stuff he doesn't run that way, as it is he's thinking of killing her later. You know, as a nice surprise after they've gotten close.

Claire Bennet

"Being a good person is what's gonna get her saved."

Brian doesn't think much of this Claire as opposed to the other two he knows. She was easy to lie to, she fell into his trap, and then she had to go and start regrowing limbs as fast as he was cutting them off. It was deeply annoying. To add insult to insult, she got rescued and escaped, and he's left wondering if it's even possible to kill her.

While he hasn't said anything to her since and has quietly gone about his own business, he's definitely still keeping an eye on her and would kill her if he thought he could, more out of a sense of completion than any real enmity. Maybe not now that he knows she's apparently Sylar's personal cheerleader Jesus, or something. However that works.

Claire Stanfield

"Oh wow, Dexter's your brother?"

He's an assassin, he seems to know Dexter's secret, he's probably friends with Dexter... Brian wants to get to know him mostly for stalking purposes. He's not bad to talk to in his own right, though.


"Creatures like us are rare. "

A pretty cool gal who doesn't afraid of anything. She's the Greek goddess of chaos, and she gave Brian his worldhopping item, which he deeply appreciates. He feels a certain amount of kinship with her due to their natures as people who don't accept limits, and actually feels a bit of awe, a feeling that he's extremely unaccustomed to. He finds her slightly intimidating, and won't ever let on. If she asked him to come work for her in whatever capacity that would work, he would be there in a heartbeat.

Candy Quackenbush

"Then I guess I'm okay with you right now."

They have an odd relationship. Brian originally got to know Candy by showing up at Elektra's mansion during the family virus, while she and Bruce were out, and poking his head in on her babysitting Harrison. He proceeded to lie to Candy and give Harrison a stuffed bear. Well, afterwards Candy learned the truth, and just didn't seem that phased. Her non-reaction surprised Brian greatly, as much as he didn't let on that it did.

She's Dexter's more or less adopted daughter, so he'd want to get along with her for that reason alone... but in truth, he finds her interesting in her own right. She's just non-judging enough, and he can relate to her just enough, that it leaves him uncertain. Real affection isn't something Brian's comfortable with, so for now it's all being played off casually.

Albert Wesker

"It can never be said that I don't dream big."

He's only talked to him once, but in that conversation Wesker thanked him for the leg he'd been sent (Claire Bennet's leg, by the way) and asked Brian what had made him so thoughtful. Thus ensued a discussion about regenerating people and what they respectively do for a living. Brian thinks he's a stand up sorta guy and would like to share a couple beers over steaks, which in Brian terms means, "let's be friends".

Peter Petrelli

"Something about morals, I guess."

Honestly, Brian just likes trolling him. There's not a whole lot else to this relationship. Oh, and he trash talks him with Sylar.

Minatsuki Takami

"Just keep doing whatever the fuck you want."

She seems really crazy, and from an equally crazy prison. Brian likes her on principle, and ended up telling her more than he strictly would've wanted to. Shares his opinion that people are trash.

ddd, !cr chart, !ooc

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