Lately, I have been so tired. I can't get to sleep until really, really late, &I've tried to wake up early in the morning, but to no avail. I can't really control what I do when I first wake up. Even if I tell myself I really need to wake up, I end up going back to sleep anyway. It's pretty bad, because I am starting my internship soon, so I'll need to wake up semi-early.
My job=working at children's day camp @ Bologna:
Mondays-Three hours work(most likely from 10-1) &workshops from 1-3
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday-7 hours work 10-5
Friday-Optional LIT field trips, which I probably will not go to
I have to work a lot extra hours each day because I'm leaving the programme halfway through. It sucks some major ass, because I am going to be hella tired all of the time. argghh!!
June 27-July 14=Trip to Florida to see a-money!
The other night, I dreamt that I got to the Florida airport &saw Alexis, &I jumped off of an escalator on top of her and we started crying. I miss her so much. I can't wait to go, it's going to be so much fun.
July 16-19=Teen Council trip to California
It's like, two days after I get back from Florida. I guess, I won't have to unpack much. It's going to be interesting to drive 6 hours in a van with my favourite ghetto ass Willis kids.
I ran out of space on my Zen Micro (mp3), so, I'm kind of pissed off. I have been eating way too much junk lately. I have some of the whitest legs known to mankind. I haven't gone to the stupid gym in five million hundred years. I am a lazy summer bum. Someone needs to whip me into shape.
I love him. He was so old. I hope he had a nice life.
edit {12.54 am, 6/7}: i just got home from of montreal/tilly &the wall &i probably won't go to sleep until like, 3. my first day of work is today, 7 hours. ): ): ): i am going to be tireddddd. damnit!