Feeling much better. Apparently last night, I went on a 15 minute+ rant about how much I hated Will Ferrel. Ooookay Laura.
I'm just going to make a list of random things that piss me off. Because I feel like it.
1. A Xanga community called "Girls who loves guys who play guitar". Maybe if some of those girls got off their asses and learned the guitar themselves, they wouldn't find it so goddamn amazing. And they wouldn't be stereotypical groupies either. And you know, from what I've seen, a majority of girl guitar players out there suck really bad. I don't know if it's just because we don't have initiative or what, but I don't even take lessons anymore and I'm better than a lot of these girls. Just stop. Stop buying 8 pounds of makeup every week and use that money towards something useful.
2. People who like to "discreetly" remind me of the fact that I'm fat. I don't know how to say any more about this subject without sounding like a jackass, but I know. And if I really cared, I mean REALLY gave a damn, I would be hanging from a tree right now, but unfortunately I'm still kicking and screaming till the very end.
3. Photographers who keep taking pictures of their chuck taylors OVER AND OVER AND OVER. I'm not talking about casual photographers, I'm talking about people who are STUDYING IT, and still don't even know any better. STOP, BE CREATIVE, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE AN ARTIST. Make a box in your mind, okay? Now SMASH IT. That's called thinking outside the box.
4. Adults that don't even like me trying to be polite and start conversations with me. Okay, I know you hate me, it's not a secret anymore. I don't want to talk to you. All I want to do is leave. Just leave me alone, for the love of god.
5. People who pretend to laugh at me when I say something that isn't funny. Don't fucking lie to me, just tell me I'm a moron and get on with it. Sometimes everyone needs a good reality check, and I am not an exception, even though I may go berserk on your ass. It happens.
6. Certain people that won't stay the fuck out of my life no matter how far away from them I distance myself. And then those people continuing to be assholes like the last year we were seperated didn't even happen. Grow the fuck up, I don't even know you anymore. As far as I'm concerned, you no longer exist, you're just another face in the crowd that I don't care about. People change, and if you're still stuck on being a jerk to me, then you must have cared about my presence a lot more than you'd let on. If I can erase you from my mind, you can at least try and find a hobby or something.