Yuletide reveals!

Jan 01, 2014 19:16

I wrote two fics this year, as mentioned, and here they are:

Title: Four Walls
Fandom: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
Characters: Rosencrantz/Guildenstern
Rating: T
Summary: "Bedrooms do not simply appear from nowhere. This--" Guildenstern waves a hand -- "did not come magically into being all around us while we slept. We came here ourselves, under what we must presume was our own power, and so the question we must ask of ourselves now is why." (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in the aftermath of a story.)
Notes: For
alpheratz, who asked for a story where Ros and Guil wake up as they do at the beginning of the play only to have events take a different turn. I used this as an excuse to write a story about how fanfiction might work under the premise of R&GAD -- or, more specifically, to put Ros and Guil in the aftermath of a pornographic fanfiction they are fated to repeat over and over for each new reader.


Title: Gods and Dead Men
Fandom: Vikings
Characters: Athelstan, Ragnar
Rating: G
Summary: Athelstan has a complicated understanding of the divine.
Notes: For
gileonnen, who referred in hir prompt to Athelstan's response to the human sacrifices from late in the season -- "at once horrified and uncomprehending at the practice of sacrifice, and full of anxious wonder at the joy and comfort that his captor-companions take in their faith" -- and to the theological problems thrown up by the existence of and belief in manifesting gods. What can I say, I am predictable.


Originally posted at http://acrossthefloors.dreamwidth.org/36206.html -- comment here or there according to your preference.

writing: fic, yuletide 2013, fandom: r&gad, fandom: vikings

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