Yuletide gift roundup!

Dec 25, 2013 16:54

First of all: there are now, somewhat unexpectedly, two fics of mine for the guessing! One is in Madness, the other is in the main collection. If you guess either one of them, I will write you a ficlet; if you guess both I will write you a fic in the region of 600-1000 words. Some hints: the main-collection fic is in a fandom I have written for before, but don't blog/talk about much. The Madness fic is not in a fandom I've written for before, but my interests are writ large all over it. Comment with guesses if you have them (and are not Martha, Skippy, Gil or Kylee, who all saw my main-collection fic before it was finished).

And now that's out of the way: gift roundup! I have received two gifts this year, and both are so monumentally excellent I sort of don’t know where to start. They are:

My Happiness Depends on You, which is a Jolene fic (!!!) in which the narrator and Jolene grow up together in a small town, fall apart, and then meet again in their thirties with the narrator newly-attached to a Man. It is, for me, a pretty faithful representation of what it is like being fifteen and isolated in a small, unfriendly sort of place; it is also gorgeous and atmospheric, incredibly well-characterised, and basically all about queer women. I am here for all of that, obviously! It is about 7000 words long, and definitely worth the time.

and The epistemology of the closet, which some kind soul wrote in response to my 2011 History Boys prompt. I don’t know where to begin with this. Reading it first thing this morning felt as though someone had reached into my head, pulled out all the fascinations I have with knowledge and love, seduction and theoretical argument, and where they intersect, and just put them all on the page. It is also an incredibly shattering depiction of what the approach to Oxbridge looks like, from the perspective of someone who didn’t make it. It is a little over 1000 words but packed full of so much that it feels longer, at least to me, and I cannot rec it highly enough.

Proper recpost coming later, once I've had time to comb the collection properly. Merry happy, friends, I hope you're all having at least passable days and wish you every strength if you are not. <3

Originally posted at http://acrossthefloors.dreamwidth.org/35591.html -- comment here or there according to your preference.

yuletide 2013

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