Jan 28, 2005 22:10
I'm just having one of those days where I wish I could go back in time an change things. The only difference, is I want to go back about a year. I have reasoning, but I choose not to explain. Trust me, I don't mean to offend anyone by what I just said and to be honest, it's probably not for the reasons you're thinking of, and don't get me wrong, I really am happy with how things are. It's just today, I had one of those moments where eveything just felt wrong.
Today was fun, for the most part. It started off with my Biology final where a certain someone bought me a drink (caffeinated, w00t) to get me through the test (it worked...I've aced the class). Then, after school, I went to Cabaret rehearsal (nothing to report there) and then she and I, and Jordan and Natsuki, were gonna go ice skating, but the place was closed, so we walked around the Peninsula Center instead.
Things were going great until we went to the basketball game. Her dad showed up and Becky and he talked at great length before she announced she had to leave and wouldn't say why. We speculate that maybe he went to the ice skating rink which is where we told him we'd be and got angry not seeing us there. I just REALLY hope she can still go to Winter Formal with me tomorrow (of course, right? I mean, that would be a waste of at least like $100 already spent and non-refundable). It was near the end of the game that I was hit with the feeling described in my first paragraph. Well, I got past it, ate pizza and cupcakes for Jordan's birthday, and went home to where I am now.
I'm really worried for Becky. I can't even describe the state I'm in. I just want everything to work out. Tomorrow hasta be perfect...please...