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Jan 29, 2007 10:17

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1) What video game does grandiosewords remind you of? Oh, I suppose one of those pointless but sweet games they give small children. With Elmo.
2) What is notahades's favorite color? Dark blue. *^__^*
3) Does angel_afire smoke? I don't think she got that particular gene.
4) One thing you can't stand about angel_afire? She's horrible for my hair, what with how often she musses it up.
5) Does ramblingbrat travel a lot? More often that I do, I think.
6) What planet should cookiesneedlove be from? ...is Earth not good enough?
7) What is daft_turkey's biggest flaw? He ought to be happy more often, I think.
8) How would onesilence conquer the world? Crypticisms, I suppose. And hugs.
9) What is grandiosewords's favorite food? Cookies, of course.
10) Is ramblingbrat 1337? ...I wouldn't call her that, exactly.
11) What is _trouble__'s favorite band/artist? I -- does she have one?
12) Does gettingofftrack do drugs? *...o___o* I should hope not.
13) Have you ever dated daft_turkey? Er -- definitely not.
14) When did you last call daft_turkey? I don't think I ever have. Not with a telephone, anyway.
15) What animal should gettingofftrack be combined with? A puppy.
16) Would whichsideamion go out with spheresconfound? *O___O* No.
17) How long would angel_afire dating godsayshi last? ...not long at all, or that would be my hope.
18) Where was angel_afire born? England? I'm a bit fuzzy on the details.
19) What flavor of jello would invertedtoo be? Lime, I'd think.
20) What is angel_afire's favorite game? Will it be too predictable if I say something about guns?
21) Is solumveritas popular? She is with me. *^___^*
22) What color should invertedtoo dye their hair? It's perfectly fine the way it is.
23) Is the_white_sheep your best friend? *...mmmph* No, he's not.
24) What is solumveritas's favorite movie? I haven't asked, actually.
25) Is invertedtoo in a relationship? Nothing serious.
26) If daft_turkey had a superpower, what would it be? He already has his healing abilities.
27) What rank would onesilence have in a giant robot army? I'd actually peg her for the general.
28) If ramblingbrat and yaythreefoldme were siamese twins, where would they be joined? ...er. The hip?
29) What would angelwhiskers think of notahades? I don't think they'd get along very well.
30) Do you think solumveritas is hot? She's very pretty, if that counts.
31) Would you wrestle angeloffire_ in jello? I don't see why I'd wrestle anyone in jello.
32) Is savagelystill introverted or extroverted? Introverted.
33) How long have you known an_interpreter? Most of my life.
34) If the_white_sheep commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? All of his children and Uncle Cocytus.
35) whichsideamion's hair color? Dark brown.
36) Could you see eventhegoodguys and angel_afire together? I -- I think that one's mine.
37) What do you agree with angelwhiskers about? Not very much that I know of.
38) What is angeloffire_'s shoe size? Ten or thereabouts.
39) Which president would whichsideamion be likely to idolize? *...blinks* I'm sorry?
40) Would daft_turkey and spheresconfound look good together? *awww, smiles* They already do.
41) Where did you first meet notahades? A few years ago.
42) Does yaythreefoldme have a big secret? I don't know that she'd be capable of one.
43) Is cookiesneedlove a nerd? Not particularly.
44) What would you do if you found out yaythreefoldme has a crush on you? ...I don't actually know.
45) Would you set up eventhegoodguys and _trouble__? ...absolutely not.
46) Do you have a crush on gettingofftrack? *O___o* Of course not.
47) How many monkeys could cookiesneedlove fight at once and win against? Three or four.
48) Are black_famine and solumveritas going out? ... I doubt it.
49) What languages does onesilence speak? She doesn't tend to speak at all.
50) What would _trouble__ do differently in your shoes? She'd refer to me as female, I suppose.
51) Is spheresconfound related to you? He's my uncle, yes.
52) Do you have spheresconfound's screenname? His what? No, I don't think so.
53) Has cookiesneedlove been to your house/dorm? If Heaven counts, then yes.
54) If godsayshi and solumveritas were spliced together, what would be its name? Metatheia? Alitron? Neither one sounds very good.
55) Does invertedtoo have a dog? I don't think so.
56) What would angelwhiskers give cookiesneedlove for his/her birthday? *sighs* Pain.
57) Thoughts on whichsideamion? She's one of my most interesting cousins, and I do mean that in a good way.
58) Would you ever date the_white_sheep? ...no, I wouldn't.
59) What do you disagree with gettingofftrack about? Whether I'm his sister or his brother.
60) What exotic animal would yaythreefoldme like as a pet? I'm not entirely certain I'd trust her with one.
61) Would you make out with onesilence? ...I -- no. No, I wouldn't.
62) Does whichsideamion drink? I certainly hope not.
63) Is grandiosewords single? Yes. Anything else would be a bit terrifying.
64) Did onesilence break up with you? ...er, no, she didn't.
65) Where was black_famine born? ...I don't think this question counts.
66) If _trouble__ was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Anyone who didn't go along with her games.
67) Where would invertedtoo most like to visit? I really ought to talk to her more.
68) How would yaythreefoldme kill an_interpreter? I don't think she would.
69) Have you flirted with gettingofftrack? No. That would be disgusting.
70) Which of your friends should solumveritas go out with? That's her decision, not mine.
71) What is godsayshi allergic to? Coffee, sarcasm, and intelligent thought. *loves Meta, really*
72) What word best describes notahades? Comforting.
73) Would gettingofftrack and godsayshi make a good couple? ...no.
74) If angel_afire took over the world, who would suffer? Anyone who wronged her or the people she cares about.
75) Is savagelystill friends with spheresconfound? I don't believe so.
76) What comic book character would ramblingbrat be? I'm not very good at comic books.
77) Is angeloffire_ an emo? Only in appearance.
78) How tall is invertedtoo? Taller than average?
79) Does spheresconfound know grandiosewords? Yes, he does.
80) What mental disorder does godsayshi remind you of? Guilt, I suppose.
81) Is spheresconfound a high school student? He never has been.
82) Are ramblingbrat and onesilence going steady? ...no, they're not.
83) One quality you find attractive in spheresconfound? He gives very good hugs.
84) Do gettingofftrack and godsayshi go to the same school? Not exactly, but Mum did teach Thomas quite a lot.
85) Is black_famine athletic? Well, he doesn't need to be.
86) Are the_white_sheep and solumveritas married? That would be -- no. They're not.
87) What would you do if daft_turkey died? Be very upset.
88) Is whichsideamion a college student? She isn't old enough.
89) savagelystill's eye color? Green.
90) Does onesilence have a crush on an_interpreter? ... *O____O*
91) If savagelystill took over the world, who would be happy? Her siblings? And her boyfriend.
92) Has angeloffire_ dyed their hair? Not that I can remember.
93) What animal does angeloffire_ remind you of? Something very enthusiastic.
94) Is godsayshi related to eventhegoodguys? Possibly distantly, which I suppose makes things a little strange, but I don't really care. *^___^*
95) If spheresconfound and _trouble__ were spliced together, what would it be like? Incredibly violent.
96) Does whichsideamion go to your school? I haven't gone to school.
97) What song/movie would you recommend to daft_turkey? ...er?
98) Is grandiosewords dead sexy? ...he's too young for that.
99) Would daft_turkey be a better ninja or pirate? A ninja.
100) If yaythreefoldme were hanging off a cliff, what would invertedtoo do? Help her up, I'd hope.
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