Jan 09, 2007 17:23
Hihi. I'm at loose ends, having little to do at work today and being a bit sick besides, so why not lj?
Well, my Friends may have noticed that I didn't LJ (has this been verbed? Elljay(s)(ed)(ing)?) for ummm, some years now. Clearly, I had reasons not to elljay. The thing is, I generally want more contact with people than I can get through LJ. I don't want to read and post entries, I want long fun conversations, but neither I nor anyone else has time for them. Meanwhile, journal posts have to be kept up, or at least checked timely to see if there are replies, and if you want people to read yours, it behooves you to read theirs and that always makes me feel more distant because it's not a conversation. So I don't, much, anymore.
But I've been feeling very lonely, so maybe that was a mistake. N thinks so. (if you didn't know, I seldom bother to spell out my wife's name) (much less put in a hyperlink to her LJ. Hyperlinks are far too high-tech for me, generally)(so are folds. Sorry about that) (parentheses are good, though). She's often correct. So, I'm here today.
A brief precis of my last 2 years: We moved to DeeCee, I started a Big Law Firm job, I buried myself in work and raising my Wonderful Daughter, we had a Nother Kid (who is starting to be pretty Wonderful himself), foolishly bought a house which turns out to be a bit of a white elephant, and have generally careened from crisis to crisis. Right now, I'm actually not working at the Big Firm, I'm on loan to a pro-bono shop for a 6-month stretch ending this month, which has been fun, but leaves me very much wondering what comes next. N. & I recently agreed we'd like to live in Seattle, questions include how & when. I morally committed to staying about 2 years at the Big Firm after they paid for me to get all this trial & case-management experience at the pro bono, but OTOH, I'm not sure I can find a job as a 7th-year associate, and N. hates living here and really wants Out. I need to talk to a career counselor, which is daunting, because I don't really know what kind of job I want. I suspect I'd like prosecution, especially white-collar-type, but I can't afford to do it non-federal, and federal work is mostly here in DeeCee. Oy.
Other Current Issues include:
We have only one local friend (they're a couple, actually, so two), and no time/energy to make more, and I hate that; and
I am getting more and more tired all the time since at least when we moved here, which I had put down to having kids, but we just spent xmas week at N's parents' and I got considerable child-care help and therefore napped every day for a week, and I was still always tired. Something is Wrong. I'm already being treated for sleep apnea and allergies; don't know if the problem is one of those, iatrogenic, or something else entirely. My blood sugar and thyroid are normal, and I don't think I'm depressed. Confusing and scary -- I am the only wage earner, I can't afford to be working badly.
OK, that's as much poking my head up as this groundhog can stand for the moment. I'm going to go away now and review shadows later.