Mar 28, 2005 23:53
Its crazy
how some things never change its funny how you tell yourself tht its
gonnabe different this time around but it never is, I guess somethings
you cant help, sometimes the things that you try so hard to make
different are the this that make you who you are, Because I know that
if I didnt have that "thing"in my life that I wouldnt be the same
person that I am today, and I love it, even though I try and convince
myself I need to get rid of it, but I think Im fine with it,
going with the flow is just something Im gonna have to work on. I dont
wanna get into too much detail about the situation in which Im
referring because I dont want the whole world knowing this time but Im
cool with everything!
I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut
My weakness is that I care too much
My scars remind me that the past is real
I tear my heart open just to feel