Jeez, I had a weird dream last night. So many different elements going on. Being a secret agent in a tv show is cool. The main love interest was also a secret agent but only in action. She was basically an average secret agent with all the guns and etc. Still, she was just a reporter and I was a laid back and casual badass male secret agent. I dreamed several episodes of this and it appears I was working for a very scifi futuristic secret group like the Templars. It was weird. They did all sorts of crazy things which I will get to later. So apart from disappearing and being followed by reporter chick, there were more friends who were in my band. One of which was a pig, and not a normal pig. A pig in the same style as Squig from Sinfest.
Well in the two part season finale which I woke up after part one, I was in a small museum that was also the headquarters of my boss company. We had a nice tour and there was one area leading to the offices that had three stairs going up. After the tour we were wandering around and I was approached. My partner tried to follow but when we arrived back at that room, the three stairs were going down. We crossed over and I found myself in a more stereotypical secret agent main base with all sorts of things happening. The reporter partner did not cross over, she only saw us disappear. She couldn't cross over because for her, the stairs still went up. Wild.
As for the meat and potatoes of the episode, something has brought back things from the dead. And not like shambling zombies either. Bones began reassembling themselves and growing flesh. Leading them all is a barbarian. Specifically this one However in this dream the magic works and she's even more powerful and bloodthirsty. Spears are very good at piercing people by the way.
This is probably from my TF2 medic time where I play with the crossbow. Normally, when a character is hit with an arrow from the Sniper's bow they either die or don't, but either way the arrow stays in their body until they die and respawn. The medic crossbow also has this effect, however it heals teammates when it hits them so you can make pincushions.
So after she shows her dominance and the inability for everything resurrected to die when impaled by spears, they go off invading. On the first scouting adventure they bring back several tourists who all happen to be pigs, plus my pig friend. They plan to cook and eat them. That's about where I woke up.