Now let me get this out of the way. I think Derek Reese (played by Brian Austin Green) is hawt! In fact, for a few months I had a picture of him shirtless as my background on my desktop. But I do like him as a character too.
Sadly Derek Reese doesn't appear in the movies (at least not yet) so I will talk about him as he appears in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (TSCC).
PRE-JUDGMENT DAY: Derek Reese and Kyle Reese (his brother) are a normal bunch of kids. As far as could be told in two season of the tv show, nothing really exciting happens. In fact, the most exciting thing to happen is that they both share a love of baseball.
POST-JUDGMENT DAY, PRE-RESISTANCE FIGHTER: Derek Reese manages to survive and becomes very protective of Kyle. He feels that telling Kyle about the robots taking over isn't something you don't tell a young kid (nevermind that Derek and Kyle are pretty close in age). Derek ends up killing a deer at one point but doesn't eat it because Kyle doesn't want to (because the deer was cute, Kyle is young at this point).
POST-JUDGMENT DAY: Kyle is captured by Skynet. At some point Derek ends up joining the Resistance.
POST-JUDGMENT DAY, RESISTANCE FIGHTER: Kyle finally escapes (most likely with John Connor) and him and Derek form their own part of the Resistance (squad?). At one point Derek ends up being captured by Skynet.
POST-JUDGMENT DAY, POST-KYLE REESE TRAVELING BACK IN TIME: Skynet just leaves Derek and the rest the rest of the captured Resistance fighters. Derek (upon finding the picture of Sarah Connor that Kyle always kept on his person) realizes that Kyle is truly gone. He becomes frustrated that John (and the rest of who know what happened to Kyle) won't tell him what happened to Kyle. As Kyle is gone Derek becomes suicidal and takes on missions that most likely will kill him. It is on one of those missions that he meets his girlfriend, Jesse Flores, who convinces Derek not to kill himself. He grows very close to Jesse (probably due to the fact that he has to cling onto something) and partially because of his love for her (also for Kyle and Andy Goode) decides to go back in time (with a few other Resistance fighters).
POST-JUDGMENT DAY, POST-TIME TRAVELING: When Derek comes back he fulfills his mission to kill Andy Goode (Andy was one of the people that helped create Skynet and wanted to die because of what Skynet turned into). After he kills Andy he is captured by the police and put into jail. Sarah Connor ends up finding out who he is and rescues him (along with the help of John Connor and Cameron).
POST-JUDGMENT DAY, POST-TIME TRAVELING, LiVING WITH THE CONNORS: Derek suffered a bullet wound from the Terminator who was out to kill him. John gets Charley Dixon (who was Sarah's fiance) to help Derek. While he recovers he decides to stay with the Connors. He does missions with them and it's made clear that he does not like Cameron, respects John Connor (though doesn't like that he acts young), and respects Sarah Connor (though they come into conflict a lot). I believe there is some chemistry between him and Sarah (though BAG, the actor, said he didn't want Derek to have a relationship with Sarah).
POST-JUDGMENT DAY, POST-TIME TRAVELING, RELATIONSHIP WITH JESSE FLORES: One day while Derek is out eating a hotdog (which he does a lot, can be told from dialogue) he finds that Jesse Flores went back in time too (though she won't tell why she really went back and she wasn't sent by John). I believe Derek decides not to read too much into Jesse because he loves her and she's something to cling onto. He hides the fact that he's sleeping with Jesse (or any woman) from the Connors. Cameron is the only one to show any real suspicion. Derek Reese does end up showing some suspicion but never does anything because of it (at one point he gets angry but Jesse has sex with him so that must've calmed him down). It's not until John tells Derek what he knows about Jesse and Riley that Derek does anything. He is pissed off that Jesse used him and goes to shoot her (whether he ends up shooting her or not is to be debated, but I believe he did). He still loves her as he tries to convince himself that HIS Jesse (as the Jesse that killed Riley is from another timeline) would never do what THIS Jesse did.
POST-JUDGMENT DAY, POST-TIME TRAVELING, POST-RELATIONSHIP WITH JESSE FLORES: Derek Reese is sad that Jesse is gone and keeps her jacket with him. The spark between him and Sarah is gone. His final mission is trying to take down a Terminator that is going after Catherine Weaver's daughter. He is going around the house when he is shot in the head and killed. Sarah is sad and when she mentions the two deaths that happened to James Ellison, she mentions Derek before Charley.
ALTERNATE FUTURE THAT JOHN AND "CATHERINE WEAVER" GO TO AT THE SEASON FINALE OF SEASON 2: Not much is known about this Derek. What can be inferred is that he lives with humans (whether there is a Resistance or not is not yet known) including Kyle Reese and Allison Young (who is the skin template for Cameron). What happens in this Derek's future? I can infer (through things that happened in season 2) that he is captured and tortured, finally being released with the help of "Catherine Weaver" (a T-1001). He falls in love with Jesse Flores and is sent back in time.
I find Derek Reese to be a very fun and sexy character to be around. I like his storyline and I feel that TSCC doesn't really pick up until his character gets introduced.
Fun Fact: Derek Reese was originally only supposed to be a minor character who ended up leaving. Luckily enough, that plan was changed.
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