Teh Survey of DOOM
The Basics
Name: Dai An 'Diane' Tran
Nickname: Win, Ami, Lil' Dee, and any variety of 'short' names.
Age: A whole whoppin' fifteen years old, soon to be sixteen.
Gender: Female.
Likes: I love tennis, piano, video games, roleplaying, archery, etc. But, I love to sleep more than anything else. Even when I should be doing something else. xDD;; I also like hanging out with my friends or calling them, especially when they live far away. I like to send cards. And pillows. And anything else that would shock someone once it gets through the mail. <3 I'm also deeply into my cultural roots. Azn pwnage, w00t.
Dislikes: I really dislike excessive cursing, people who are too up-tight, people who don't realize that being anal retentive isn't actually that attractive, and people who are too busy turning their noses up in the air to realize that no body else cares.
Strong Points: I'm really opinionated, confident, and aggressive, which tends to make me a great leader. I'm active, supportive, cheerful and hard to get down. I'm also a good worker, a hard worker, and I get along well with lots of different kinds of people.
Weak Points: I'm kind of lazy, a bit of a procrastinator. My mouth also likes to run, and I have a stubborn streak that sometimes gets me in trouble.
Kindly share something few people know about you. ... Er, I have a hard time getting along with people my age. Usually, I get along best with people older than me or younger than me.
The Middle Part
Is the glass half full or half empty?: Who cares, as long as there's booze something in it.
Would you cross the bridge, ignore the bridge and find a longer route, burn the bridge, or burn it while you were in the middle of it, just for argument's sake?: Burn it! With me in the middle. And then just, like, totally survive just to show off and be all psycho-like. Even if I would be missing eyebrows or something like that. Or half my face. xDD;
Colour or color?: Colour! (
Tiny Plaid Ninja fans? >D 'You spell 'honor' like a Brit!' 'Have at you!')
Favourite quote?: "The art of being a slave is to rule one's master" -- Diogenes.
Favourite Colour?: I love silver and green!
Past times?: I'm an avid tennis player, and since I'm extremely competitive, that comes with a lot of physical training. I also play piano and, yes, video games (because I'm such a dork!) Other things I like to do include roleplaying, archery, writing, and sleeping. A lot. Sleeping is my love. I do a lot of school work, too. Wonder how that happened. xP
The Ending Part
Favourite FFVII character?: My favorite is probably... Eh, someone from the Turks or Rufus Shinra. The suits just totally do it for me. <3
Least Favourite?: My least favorite would have to be... Ah, well, all the characters are so great. It'd be hard to choose!
Which one you think you're most like and why?: That's a tough one to say. I guess I'm a little like... Well, I guess I have a spark of Reno and a bit of Kadaj, but mostly because I'm so fond of roleplaying them. xDD
Would you like to be voted male or female?: Arg, let's see... Ah, male. Because, even though I am female or I was last time I checked I feel more of a connection with the male characters from Advent Children.
How did you hear about
acratings?: My friend,
grey_and_blood, got hers, and I simply had to have one of my own. <3
Pictures: Can be found
here, where I posted them for my
fm_a_rating. x3