Title: Bittersweet
Genre: Romance/Angst
Version: Manga
Pairing: Prince Demando/Usagi
Rating: G
It was an earth-shattering, bittersweet kiss.
Demando had dreamed of kissing her, he'd thought about it almost every second of every day. Yet, he never imaged it would taste as sweet as it did. Usagi was utter perfection in his eyes and he would gladly do anything if only she'd look at him the way she looked the pest in the tux. Maybe if he took the annoyance out Usagi would kiss him the way he’d seen her kiss Tuexdo Kamen.
At first Demando thought he felt her respond to his kiss, but the kiss ended in a slap. Even the harsh sting of Usagi's palm against his face was nothing compared to what he felt when he kissed her.