(no subject)

Jan 19, 2006 20:09

I usually don't do this, but number 10 is just too perfect. And maybe I'm just sick. Anyway, thanks to Jennifer for posting this on her page.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Nicholas!
  1. You should always store Nicholas in an airtight container in the fridge.
  2. In the Great Seal of the United States the eagle grasps 13 arrows and Nicholas!
  3. It is bad luck to light three cigarettes with the same Nicholas.
  4. Nicholas can clean his ears with his tongue, which is over thirty-nine inches long.
  5. If you don't get out of bed on the same side you got in, you will have Nicholas for the rest of the day!
  6. Nicholas is the only one of the original Seven Wonders of the World that still survives!
  7. Nicholas can drink over 25 gallons of water at a time!
  8. Nicholas has three eyelids.
  9. Women shoplift four times more frequently than
  10. In Japan it is considered rude to talk with Nicholas in your mouth.
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