Jan 22, 2007 17:50
I am homesick. I am in melbourne- tomorrow it will have been for a week. Spend a lot of time and money on househunting and it has been a thoroughly frustrating, and almost completely unsuccesful venture. However, finally managed to meet up with Nikki today and show her one of the places I'd looked at (all of the others had gone by now) and then we applied for it. It's on beaconsfield parade in st kilda which is the street on the beach/harbour front and pretty much on the corner next to fitzroy street. don't feel to hopeful about it, though- cos of lots of applicants. last night i got so frustrated with the whole fucking thing that i almost cried and ben (lovely, wonderful ben) got me to make sure i was breathing (i wasn't) and thinking logically about the whole thing (i was... welll.... kind of).
i miss people in sydney like....nothing else. I have an actual ache inside me. one in my chest and one in my stomach and i desperately think that i'm going to cry in this internet cafe. i just want this whole bloody ordeal to be over- have a house to live and for life to be sorted out, ya know?
ben is just so lovely. he told me he's 'smitten' with me a few nights ago- typed into his phone whle we were talking to his housemate benedict. we haven't talked about it yet... anyone who knows me would know that i'm not so good with confrontations- of good or bad variety really. but.... well... i think i could fall in love with this boy. such heart and soul, ya know?
anyway...i'm off..... too much money feeding my internet addiction- it's been days since i've been on and i was having withdrawals. ha. i love the internet.