So I had the day off today, which was lovely, I need more weekends like this one, though I don't think I'll get any like this for a while with the holiday season coming up and all that. Bleh.
But I got to sleep in wonderfully late, and just hang around the house all day playing online and reading and just being a lazy bum. And tonight I went and hung up all the laundry that I've been accumulating over the past 3 weeks in an effort to start cleaning my room up some since it's become sort of a wreck.
and now for today's drabble.
Because I've been spending the evening doing laundry I thought it fitting to use that as a prompt for the drabble tonight. And seeing as I signed up for that J2 Domestic challenge earlier today I thought this might be a good way to get into the swing of things for that.
Jared hates laundry day - usually he'll put it off as long as he possibly can, even going commando a few days if it means he can put off doing the laundry for a while longer. Usually it's when he's considering wearing the same pair of jeans for the 5th time that Jensen puts his foot down and makes him do the laundry.
"Why can't I just sent it all out for dry cleaning? People do that, don't they?" Jared whined as Jensen helped him separate his dirty laundry into piles of whites and jeans and colors and towels and delicates. It was just all too complicated, best to let someone else take care of it.
"Just because you have the money to pay someone else do to it doesn't mean you shouldn't do it yourself. Besides if you did your laundry more often there wouldn't be so much on laundry days." Jensen gave Jared a knowing look, and tossed a pair of socks into the white pile.
After the laundry was all separated Jensen helped Jared start the first load, pouring in the soap adjusting the water and making sure everything was right before they threw the clothes in and closed the top.
"And think of it this way, if you sent your laundry out to the cleaners, we wouldn't have all this time to fool around between loads." He grinned and waggled his eyebrows at Jared, and pulled off his shirt, throwing it in with the rest of the laundry.
and done even before midnight, hooray :D