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Since I often have problems with writer's block, and I would love to get into writing more often - I've decided to put up this challenge. (which I stole from
So F-list, or anyone else for that matter, please challenge me! :)
My fandoms are: Harry Potter, Bleach, Labyrinth, QAF, SPN, J2 RPS, and Firefly
Pairing/Character(s) Desired:
Title: [optional]
Element(s) Desired: [1 to 5]
Maximum Rating Acceptable: [G to NC17...just a reference, no promises]
Genre: [Romance, fluff, PWP, angst, dark, humor, happy ending, etc.]
Anything else?
I can't promise to fit in everything you request, or that it'll even get done but I'll do my best. (I also can't promise good results for the Bleach fics or the Labyrinth fics since I've only written one Bleach fic and no Labyrinth fics, but if you're willing to get something bad then please give it a go. I promise I will do my best to write something excellent!)
Hopefully this can get my inspiration flowing and get me writing more. So you can tell people about this if you want or request more than one, I'll gladly to my best to get as many done as I can, throughout the year.
ETA: just in case you didn't notice, I've edited this challenge slightly to continue on past the summer months, so if you're not requesting because of that then maybe you want to try it out. I've also added some new verses I am willing to try. So check it out peoples!