ah wow! Freinds only. I might pick that lock on my LJ too soon. B/c one of my friends (not a LJ friend) that I didn't want reading my LJ already found out about it @_@;; I guess your circumstances are getting worse, ne? Gomen ):
Who needs an acutal non-rpg journal..I do - -; Anyways! Howdy! Nice to meet ya! Just a friend of Meg's popping in to say hi! Don't mind any of this journal's information. ^_^; My real journal is happily residing on DJ. Hehe ^_^; Oh well! I love Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne ^__^ I love your icons. Bai!
::laughs:: Sorry about that, I was drinking way to much caffine last night! I'm friends with Megan irl. ^_^ I just noticed you like KKJ! It's so cool. I love Miyako and Access...and Noin...*drool* ^_^; but hey if you wanna check me out on DJ it's Someday the Dream Will End ^_^ Bai! ((I love your icon's by the way! So pretty!))
lol Maron and Chiaki are the best!!! :::school girl jump::: I gotchyour linkers on DJ, should I give you mine? lol Any fan of KKJ is a friend of mine ^_______^
Thanks about the icon comment, but erm, I didn't make all of them heh ^^; I *do* have a few that I made though.. still kinda new to it.. bleh.
I cant even change the text color on Paint Shop Pro 8 - -;; Lol! I'm the only one who pairs Miyako and Noin though...they...just see, cute in my twisted mind. ^_^;; they're just my two favorites I guess. Lol! I'd love your link! ^_^ I'll add you as a friend
I guess your circumstances are getting worse, ne? Gomen ):
-I'm just paranoid lol but for a good reason ^^ I just don't want certain people reading this thing-
Thanks about the icon comment, but erm, I didn't make all of them heh ^^; I *do* have a few that I made though.. still kinda new to it.. bleh.
Miyako and Noin?! o_o; I've never thought of that.. lol
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